Posted inPlacement Papers

BSNL GE JTO Recruitment Examination

Company: Tata Infotech BSNL GE-JTO Recruitment Examination Test Paper – VIII 1. When a inductive coil connected to a 200 V, 50Hz ac supply with 10A current flowing through it dissipates 1000 watts then which of the following will have least value in ohms- a.) Resistance b.) Reactance c.) Impedance d.) None 2 Oscillator crystal […]

Posted inPlacement Papers

Tata Infotech Placement Paper

Tata Infotech Placement Paper Company: Tata Infotech TATA INFOTECHPLACEMENT PAPER(VERBAL & QUANTITATIVE) VERBAL SECTION- Directions for questions 1-15:Find the synonyms of the following words1. MerryAns. Gay,Happy2. AlienateAns. Estrange3. SolicitAns. To request4.HeapAns. To pile5.CargoAns. Freight6.MomentaryAns. Transient7. VolumeAns.Quantity8.VeerAns.Diverge 9.DispelAns.Dissipate10.AdmonishAns.Cautious11.MeagerAns.Scanty12.LatitudeAns.Scope13.LatentAns.Potential14.CovetAns.Crave15.DiscretionAns. PrudenceQUANTITATIVE SECTION1. If two pencils cost 8 cents, then how much do 5 pencils cost?Ans. 20 cents 2. […]

Posted inPlacement Papers

TATA INFOTECH Placement Paper

TATA INFOTECH Placement Paper Company: Tata Infotech TATA INFOTECH PLACEMENT PAPERVERBAL SECTION Directions: Give the synonyms for the following words 1. Depreciation: deflation, depression, devaluation, fall, slump 2. Deprecated : feel and express disapproval, 3. Incentive : thing one encourages one to do (stimulus) 4. Echelon : level of authority or responsibility 5. Innovation : […]