Posted inPlacement Papers

Zensar Placement Papers

Company: Zensar Technologies ********** C test ********** 1. if(fp = fopen(“dfas”,”r”) == NULL), what is the value of fp a. NULL b. 0 c. 1 d. 0 or 1 2. #define sqr(x) x*x, what is value of j if j = 2 * sqr(3 + 4) 3. #define FILENAME(extension) test_##extension, how will it print FILENAME(back) […]

Posted inPlacement Papers

Zensar Placement Papers 1

Company: Zensar Technologies — 1) Write a minimal C++ program . — 2) ( HR ) (a) Talk about yourself (b) What are your strengths. (c) Where do you think you have to improve. (d) Where do you see yourself after 5 years — 3) main() { int i=2; int a=4; if((i+=3)>a) { printf( ” […]

Posted inPlacement Papers

Zensar Placement Paper on 2008

Zensar Placement Paper Company: Zensar Technologies First there is the written aptitude part. Believe me, its just like other zensar written multiple choice questions. See the sample papers here for the written part. Here are the technical written test questions with the hr & tech interview complete questions. Zensar Technical Written Test Questions: 1)which is […]

Posted inPlacement Papers

Zensar Placement Paper

Zensar Placement Paper Company: Zensar Technologies 1)which is the fastest : FTP ,TELNET ,TCP, etc. 2)output:main(){int x=20 ,y=35;x= x++ + y++;y = ++x + ++y;printf(?%d %d?,x,y);} 3)char *p[]=?rachit and devender?;printf(?%C?,++(p[4])); 4)const char *p[]=?abhishek and Ankur?; char k=?a?;p[1]=k; printf(?%s?,p); 5)main(){ extern int i; i=5; printf(?%d?,i); }6) main(){int i,j=2; if(i%j !=0) j=5; printf(?%d?,j); } For what values […]