Company: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Candidate experience (Paper) Tata Consultancy services Fresher Job Interview Placement Paper: 8 September 2011
2011 Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Placement Paper
Company Name: Tata Consultancy services
Type : Fresher
Job Interview Paper: Hi friend’s,
TCS conducted written test for those who have less than 75% through out the career and followed by TR and HR. so , i had only TR and HR,,
TR Round:
I got panel 16, (took 20 to 25 mins)
questions asked are: He has tcs application with him and our resume as well which were submitted yesterday, so u need not give him any.
1. first question , tell me about yourself.
Answer: try to tell something , which sounds good about yourself and you can include what all you had it in your resume.
he even asked about family background so, i then answered about it as well.
2. tell me something about your project?
Answer: As we have done our project on Internet banking, he asked how we did that asked me to draw the project overview. (carry pen with u, he will provide paper) ( i have not even taken pen with me so)
mean while i gave project report to sir.
gone through my srs and asked what role i played and asked me to illustrate about that.
3. tell me about the tools used ?
Answer: I explained about RAD tool, db2 and how we used it. more over he is concentrating on the things we presented in the resume only (so go through things u specified in the resume)
4. where do you see your self after 3 years?
Answer: i would like to strive to attain industry needs , and shall accomplish company goals and try to ensure myself to attain as a team lead in tcs.
5. tell me about tcs?
Answer: check wikipedia and tcs website.
this is what i prepared ………
TCS Overview
Established: 1968
Founder: JRD TATA
CEO: N.Chandrasekhran
Chief Operating officer: S. Mahalingam
Global corporate affairs: Phiroz Vandervala
Chairman: Ratan Tata
Vice chairman: S. Ramdorai
1.Global network delivery model (GNDM)
2. CMMI level 5 company in quality framework.
3. Workforce: 198500 trained it consultants across 42 countries
4. revenue : billion last fiscal till march 2011
5. Awards:
2009 sap pinnacle award
2010 Golden peacock award
2010 M.A.K.E individual operating unit(ipo) award.
6. Tcs has 50 subsidiaries out of which 20 are directly held and 37 are indirectly held.
Passport seva Kendra
TCS Role in :
Aadhar project (unique identification authority of india )
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.
Purchase of Biometric Devices 10-03-2010
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd.
Re-Design, Development, Maintenance and Support of UIDAI Web Portal 11-06-2010
Tcs bagged the contract for
Five-year deal as official technology partner and title sponsor
Leading European marathon with 33,000 participants, will be renamed as “TCS Amsterdam Marathon”
Continued focus on global sports sponsorships to promote wellness and community development portal was developed by tcs.
Our mission reflects the Tata Group’s longstanding commitment to providing excellence:
To help customers achieve their business objectives by providing innovative, best-in-class consulting, IT solutions and services.
To make it a joy for all stakeholders to work with us.
Our values:
Leading change, Integrity, Respect for the individual, Excellence, Learning and sharing.
Our ability to deliver high-quality services and solutions is unmatched. We are the world’s first organization to achieve an enterprise-wide Maturity Level 5 on both CMMI® and P-CMM®, using SCAMPISM, the most rigorous assessment methodology. Additionally, TCS’ Integrated Quality Management System (iQMS) integrates process, people and technology maturity through various established frameworks and practices including IEEE, ISO 9001:2008, CMMI®, P-CMM® , ISO 27001, ISO 20000, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and Six Sigma.
6. I listed window and Linux (ubuntu, fedora, puppy Linux etc..) as part of my resume . so asked diff between windows and Linux?
Windows proprietary ware and it is Microsoft product.
Linux open source and then asked about various Linux ‘s and what all are they….. i suggested ubutnu being widely used among other flavors
about puppy linux , it is of minimal size and we can boot it up just in a pend drive. and all that sort.
just remember….. question based on your resume content only.
7. will you prefer higher studies?
Answer: I said no sir,
I want to get acquaint with industry needs and i don’t wish to do higher studies.
then, i happened to say that i choose to join only i.t/cse field to gain expertise so ….. waiting for acquiring industry skills.(so don’t be over smart…….because next question was……)
8. diff b/w cse and it?
Answer: I blamed myself for saying cse/it in earlier stmt…….so made my answer ……to some extent i said it is misconception that…… i.t and cse are different and in general i.t people are closely associated with the business needs and they ensure which tool will benefit them to better in the business and they illustrate how the tool can simplify their tasks. cse are the guys who are confined within the company and they ensure to get the tasks done assigned to them in particular .
and finally i.t and cse people both cannot be treated as different , they are one other the same.
(don’t expect this to be the correct answer……i made it a story there.)
9. he then asked ……about the tcs form in which area interest was stated as both, what it meant.
Answer: I said… infrastructure services and software technology area.
10 . finally he made a joke at the end,
he said photo hair style seems different from the original one.
HR round:
panel 3
My friend went first so , he briefed me about madam and so i was familiar about panel.
about 12 questions were asked at a stretch and they were checking our communication skills.
1. tell me your name ?
2.tell about your family details?
3. tell me 3 advantages and disadvantages about social networking sites?
1. helps to establish social relationship in community.
2. we can communicate effectively with peers groups effectively at times like now with across wide range of people.
3. facebook point of view, it is helps them in marketing prodcuts in the form of advt and which guides us in choosing right product.
we spend too much time
at time ….we happen to share our personal info , which can lead to problems
4. how will you ensure ur are perfect person (some thing of this kind was asked)?
Answer: if we plan well and then we can implement it perfectly.
so in order to ensure that. i plan ahead. (i exactly cannot remember what i said there)
5. what are your hobbies and interests?
Answer: I said I am interested in blogging and i do have 6 to 8 blogs which i maintain. and then i said i am tech savvy…… and so on.
if you say watching movies or something then most likely question is about your recent film and question on it.
6. do you know about the tcs norms etc… and regarding 2 years bond are you willing for it.
Answer: just say i am aware of it and just let them know ur are willing.
7. Are you willing to locate yourself any where India?
madam answered even before i said.
i said of course
8. asked about any incident which i have justified by acting in time?( something of this sort)
I said about our collage event ,which was held and something of that kind i said ……which i don’t remember now.
9. few more questions ……..related to your interest’s……that’s it.
results yet to be ensured………..
and may or may not get selected. this is just a brief.
hope it might help you.
All the best to TCS TR and HR……..guys