Tata Consultancy Services Placement Paper
Company: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
TCS grills u in all three interview and you should always be very confident about your self.
1. First interview
1. This interview will be technical. Here they ask everything you have written in your resume. My interview was mostly on C++, Linux, and C. In C++ they ask for you?re OOPS concept (virtual constructor and destruct, run time polymer, access specifier, templates, malloc, calloc). In every interview you should always prepare for Virtual concepts in C++ ( I suggest Yashwant Kanitkar?s ?Let us C++? is the best) and memory function calls (malloc, calloc, free, new, delete, their comparisons and very minor details, Go thru help of TC).
2. I n Linux they stress more on commands and not on architecture (Go thru ?Simutabha Das?).
3. They had asked me some RDBMS concepts also.
2. Second Interview was HR round be frank do not contradict yourself, very easy to clear.
3. Last Interview (Management Interview)
1. This is very crucial. First thing they ask about is the position after 3-5yrs what you have written in the form like TL, Project Analyst, PM etc.U should know why u think like that and responsibility of the position, strongly justify.
2. In this interview they ask about CMM, PCMM, Company Info, BvQi etc. TCS rejects even after 3rd round.
3. After every interview you should always question they get impressed. If you ask them corporate business questions like why TCS went for an IPO, you posted 43% in last qrt how u achieved that, what you?re steps towards, you?re vision and my role etc.
Regarding Accenture,
Most of them have asked me how I applied to ACCENTURE?
So, I have applied through their site (Junior Software Engineer) and also through there Job Fair for Experience people
1. About there pattern do not follow Old paper pattern. Paper had 5 sections-
1. Sec I ? English (very easy, 4-5 vocab, grammar, sentence completion, RC)
2. Sec II ? Aptitude (10 question on Venn diagram, 2 on probability, 5 on multiplication and Division)
3. Sec III ?Mental Ability (very simple, try to score 10/10, e.g. – 1234.5678 1234.5678 1234567.445 you need to tell all three are similar, none are similar, 2 r similar, 1 Q(5 sub question) on conditions given and you need to select candidates on various criteria ) No practice required for this.
4. Sec IV ? C (do pointers (not in too depth), malloc, calloc, structures, for, if loops very well)
5. Sec V ? C++ (virtual const and destructor, templates, access specifier, OOPS concepts, virtual functions)
2. GD: They do not look how relevant you speak. They only look you can shout or not so please speak if u want to clear this round.
3. HR Interview: It is very simple if u satisfies eligibility criteria and knows something about ACCENTURE. You will clear it.
4. Technical + Final Interview: They ask everything regarding you?re project and some technical(C, C++) and HR question. If you?re in final round this means you?re almost in.
ACCENTURE in every stage looks how much you?re confident in communication. If you?re a good communicator then you?re sure to clear the Interview rounds.
ACCENTURE requires lot of people so keep on applying to them.
Tata Consultancy Services Placement Paper

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Tata Consultancy Services is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting company, headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra and largest campus and workforce in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Founded: 1 April 1968
Headquarter: Mumbai
Founders: Faquir Chand Kohli, Tata Sons, J. R. D. Tata