Hi friends this is RUCHIKA SAREEN of III year  Information Technolgy branch I hv been qualified my OnlineTest on 14 th mar 07

To clear the written test just go through
1.Gre Barrons(for verbal part)
2.Previous Papers(for aptitude part)
3.GRE Barron’s 12th edition (for reasoning part)
My Technical part and HR was on 16th
 Technical Round

  1. How was ur day
  2. what are interfaces can u inherit it ( ans no u cant inherit it can only implemented) 
  3. difference b/w abstract class and interface
  4. if u declare 3 methods in interface n ven u implement it thn those class(which implement interface) defines only 2 methods then ny error occur or not.(isaid yes coz u hv not define d 3rd one) 
  5. what r arrays , what is d difference b/n structure n arrays
  6. prog of factorial 
  7. diff b/n c n c++ 
  8. what is normalization he gave me 2 tables n asked o/p of some queries. 
  9. what r keys n how they differ frm each other ,if u want to delete ny record thn is it enough to del its primary key .(I said yes describe them vel)
  10. they asked me that u hv written willingness to contribute in development of environment what is that 
  11. what is DBMS,Data Structure. 
  12. is multiple inheritance possible in java (i said no) thn they asked what is its alternative (actually u cant say interface is d alternative but u hv to say)
  13. do you have any question.
  14. My technical was around for 25  min then I am waiting for HR round  they called me
  15. After 10 min thn I submit n form thn waiting for my chance

HR Round

     1  How r u feeling.
  2  They asked me abt my city its qualities n pts where  my city has to work over it
     3  What r ur strong pts give me some examples
4  What r ur weaknesses n how u overcome it ,if they  come across ur work in future Then what ull do.
5.  diff b/n c n c+
   6.  explain what is database  from very basic.
7.  what r different type of databases give example of each
8.  what r ur last sem subject
9.  which subject u like and which one u dislike from 1st sem why?
10. They asked me abt my hobby one of them is decorating home so he asked me that hu u ever decorate ur relative or ur friend home n how (ans-I said that I hv decorated my relative home but I never get d chance to decorate my  friend’s home so if I get it then ill definitely do )
11. they asked me give me  5 names of ur friends u want to get recruit in TCS. (I said firstly Ruchika Sareen ) Thn they told me no give ur friends name then I gave 5 names but I said tht sir there must be my name before all of them ) then he said what r d qualities which u differ frm them
12. why c (language) called c
13. what is index
14 why u choose TCS
15 what u can do for the company
16 they ask me abt my family baground.
17. Do you know abt Bond ,any problem from that
18. After selection we’ll sent u in any part of India ,will u go
19. after selection u will face a medical test r u prepared for it
20  do u have any backlog coz it effect ur selection.
21 finally they asked me do u have any questiot his round was abt  30-35 min

Next day (on 17th)I got my result n im SELECTED IN ASIA’S NO 1 COMPANY TCS

TCS Fresher Job Interview Paper Pattern: 24th-January-2011

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

Tata Consultancy Services is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting company, headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra and largest campus and workforce in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Founded: 1 April 1968
Headquarter: Mumbai
Founders: Faquir Chand Kohli, Tata Sons, J. R. D. Tata

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