TCS Placement Paper
Company: TCS
TCS New Test Pattern-2010
TCS PAPER(21 n 22nd aug,2010)
HAI frns…
i hav attended tcs written nd wrote some Qns, i vl b vry USEFUL, preapre these b4 gng 2 xam, u wl at atleast 10-12 Qns dirctly frm these..
u will find most of d q’s to be lengthy and thr is sme info given in d
q which is not used to get d ans….they js hv made d q’s lengthy to
kill time….but d q’s r easy….so all i cn say abt d paper is to
test our managment of time..
tcs paper consists of 35 q’s to be answrd in 1 hr….
i atmptd 27 of thm and got some time left to do 2 q’s but thot of
reviewn d answrd q’s…..i thot it was a good to ans some nd get thm
right than answerin many…
i hve placed the q’s as i remember….so dont completely rely on
them….but these topics r sure to be covered in the exam….
• A man bought 1 orange per rupee, 2 palms per rupe n 3 grapes per rupe, & he spent 7 rupees to buy fruits for his 2 chidren equally…(its very lengthy, I made it simple). Wat r the fruits??
ANS: 1 orange 2 palms 3 grapes
• One third of a no. is 2 more dan 1/6th of dat no. find no.
Ans. 12
• they hav given length of thickness and som length of wire and bla bla, at d last 3 lines dey given current and voltage and asked to find resistance.
Ans.V=IR, r=v/i
• find d 11 digit no using 1,2,3,4,5 and repetitions allowed which is divisible by 4.
Ans. Not solved but solve and go
• A says lies in Thursday , Friday , Saturday and B says lies in Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On wat day both says truth.
Ans. Sunday.
• A man stood in front of paint and said I’ve no brthrs and sis’s , his father is d son of my father. Wat is d relation of the person in the paint to d man.
Ans. Son
• Old women said no of days of my grand daughter = no of months my daughters is?
And my age in no of years is= no of weeks of my grand daughter . sum of their ages is 115. Find d old women age?
Ans. Solve it
• Alies have some gloves and socks, in three colours 18 red, 32 blue, 42 green. Find d probability dat she picks up radomnly each pair of gloves for three colours.
Ans. Solve it
• Find d minimum no dat divides 2850 to make it a perfect square.
Ans. 5
• X,y,z r three sons. X elder, z youngest, x=y+3, x=3z, difference of some of the 2 children is 3. Find d elder age?
Ans. 15
• a tailor has 37.5m of cloth and he has to make pieces out a meter of a cloth. How many pieces he can make?
Ans. It is in RS Agarval.
• The ratios of ages if a:b is 6:5 and sum of their ages 77. After how many years their ages will be in the ratio 8:7?
• The given sum of two no’s and product of those two no’s and asked to find sum of d squares of those no.
• They hav given 2 Q’s on ages and their avgs.
• A tank is filing 10 in ltrs in 1st day, 20 in 2nd day, 40 in 3rd day and 80 on 4th day and so on. If 1/8th of the tank is filled in 23 days then how many days it take to fill dat tank completely.
Ans. 26
• One Qstn on series.
• A pot contains 1L of milk and another pot contains 1L tea. If 10ml of tea is taken and poured in d pot of milk and 10ml from d mixer is taken and poured in Tea. Then which of the following is correct.
• Tea pot contains more milk
• Milk pot contains more milk like this (I did not remember properly.)
• A man from A to B at a speed of x kmph and B to A at a speed of y kmph. Find d avg speed of journey.
Ans. 2xy/(x+y)
• Samrat, arun and damma went to d hill and weighed individually first and 2 at a time and finally all d three. The last weight is 191. Find d avg of all combinations.
Ans. 4(191/7).
• Given that (84*84*84-54*54*54) / (84*84+84*54+54*54)== ????
Ans: Its jstly in formula of (a^3 – b^3) / (a^2+a*b+b^2)= (a-b)
So 84-54= 30(ans)
• While his journey, a traveler saws a bear in north side of india, and travelled trought out country along with that bear ,, due to wheather And climatic conditions , on that they gave unnessary stuff and finally asks whts the color of bear.
Ans : polar bear doest changes its color so answer ia WHITE
• On probability a die and a pack of cards are used simultaneously, whts the sum of two is grater than 7 will cum recurrently
• 8 b. 9 c, 10 d. 8 or 9
I got 8 as answer bt I m not sure..
• Here is jumbled world containing PCERTEAE
Ans : aftr reassigning the word whts that word represents
• City b, bird c. Animal d. none
I don’t knw the answer, once check dictionary
• A room has dimesions like x m length and y m breadth and gave that room has density and humidity and so on unnecessary stuff abt 5 lines…….bt the question is abt area of that room
Ans : (x*y) Sq,m
(a*a*a – b*b*b)/(a*a + a*b + b*b)
they gave some values instead of a , b like a=79 and b=61 for
ans a-b=79-61
26 (4x + 2y)/2x + y) = ? wen x = 2y
solvin jus by substitutn..
27 . a factory prepares some product X and the cost of production
consists of 3 parts – labour, raw materials and elec cost and the
ratio in wich tthe c.p. is distributd is 43 resp…if the labour
costs 100$ thn wt is d total cost?
ans: 4 parts = 100$ tot c.p = 4+6+3 = 13 parts = 13 * 25 $
28 thr will be some changes due to changes in the beahaviour of animals wen thr changes in d climatic conditions…..a man is a
researcher on d behaviour on bears….he goes 1 mile north 4m his station 2 follow a bear and then follows it to 1mile east collars the
bear wid some indicator and returns back to the station moving 1 mile south….wt color is the bear
optns : white, brown, black,……
ans : i think is white
29 the ages of two of my 3 grandchildren differ by 2 or 3 yrs(i
dont rmbr perfctly)….and the eldest is 3 times older thn the
youngest wt is d age of the eldest?
ans: i got is 15 yrs as i remember and i got dis only while checkin d options…….dis type of q is 4m numbers chapter in any quant buk…
30 thr is a mercedes wich moves at a speed of 48kmph and a ferrari at a speed 4 times d mercedes…if the dist is 947 km thn wt
is d time taken by mercedes?
ans: time = dist / speed i placed d q very clearly but
he gave a lot of matter to kill d tym and confuse us…..
31 B is a water tank….water flows into it at such a rate dt d water in dt will be 10lt, 20lt, 40 lt, 80 lt,….after 1hr, 2hr, 3
hr,……after 19 hrs d tank filles upto 1/16th…..wt is d time it takes to gt filled completely…..i dont rembr dis correctly but do
dis type of q 4m pipes and cisterns chapter i think….
ans: i didnt atmpt dis q as dis takes tym nd for sure to make a mis in calc…..
32 half of a no is 6 more thn 1/6th of d no….wt is d no..?
33 thr r 100 houses in a street and a prime no (wich is b/w 140
and 180) no of shops and each house must have stairs of 100 so in all
how many 7′s are thr???…..i dont rembr d q correctly
ans : i didnt ans d q it takes a lot of time….
34 jumble these letters P E T E R A K A….wt is it?
optns: fruit, vegtable , city, bird
ans i dint ans dis
35 a gal hsa cubes of 7 in vol….she uses d cubes to make a block of 9cubes in length and 4 cubes in width and 7 cubes in
depth….if she only kept d boundaries how many cubes does she stil need to complete d block?
ans: (9-2) * (7-2) * (4-2) = 70
36 how many 10 digit nos can be formed using 1,2,3,4,5 wich are
divisible by 4 reptitions are allowed?
ans: divisible by 4 – last two digits must be divisible by 4
so d chances for d last two digits must be in {12, 24, 32, 44, 52}
the last two digits cn b filled in 5 ways and d rest
8 digits in 5 ways each so d ans is 5 to d pow 9…..he gave d ans in
complete after solvin…..u dont hv to calc…. js check d optn wich
has units digit 5…dt will be ans…
Hi frnds they’ve given very long Q’s and lengty Q’s but i kept it simple here. They r time killing, read only last few lines to solve the Q’s.
prepare all the above, u may get some of these Q’s.
i may have placed some q’s wrongly…so conc on d topic thn d q….they will be changin d nos in d q’s…..jus be perfect wid the
nos chapter in qny good quant buk…..and manage time well….dont wast much time on d q wich u dont know…skip it….first do d easy
q’s make sure u read all d q’s i got some easy q’s in d last and dificult in d middle….d first 10-15 a’s are proably easy…..js manage time well make sure u do more thn 25 correctly u will get thru….
V shud rockkkkk…………….
TCS Paper on 27th May 2010 @ Vardhaman College of Engineering, Hyderabad
======>NO VERBAL
Some questions whichare
1.area of trapezium?
2.if a person moves 15km straight and turns 45km right and moves 15km straight then how much distance he needs to walk to reach starting point?
3.if pqrstu implies qrstuv then abcdefg implies what?
4.if there are 30 cans out of them one is poisoned if a person tastes very little he will die within 14 hours so if
there are mice to test and 24 hours ,how many mices are required to find the poisoned can?
5.if atlantic is found in atlantic ocean ,india is found in
indian ocean then which of the following cases are true
6.if a and b are mixed in 3:5 ration and b,c are mixed in 8:5 ration if the final mixture is 35 litres,find the amount
of b in the final mixture
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TCS Paper on 15th March 2010 @ RCC Institute Of Information Technology, Kolkata
Enlish: 32 Q,20M
10 -synnonym
I got anly 4 common .
For antonym U prepare from all Model test parer of barron 12 . Don’t wast time for preparing synnonym becoz there are lots of synnonym so u can,t collct all synnonym.
6-fill in the blank .Exatly this fill in the blank came in my paper.
Observe the dilemma of the fungus; it is a plant, but possesses no chlorophyll. While all other plants put the sun’s energy to work for them combining the nutrients of ground and air into the body structure._____1______.Chlorophyll is found in these other plants which, having received their energy free from the sun, relinquish it__2__.
In this search of energy, the fungus has become the earth’s major source of rot and decay. Wherever you see mould forming on a piece of bread, or a pile of leaves turning to compost, or a bloom down tree becoming pulp on the ground, _____3___.
With fungus action, the earth would be pooled high with_____4______.
In fact, certain plants which contain resins that are ____5_______. Specimen of the redwood tree, for instance can still be found ______6________.
You are watching a fungus acting
Resting on the forest floor centuries after having been cut down
Responsible for decomposition of much plant life
Fungus must look elsewhere for an energy supply
Cannot produce their own store of energy
The dead plant life of past centuries
At some point in their cycle either to animal or to fungi
Fungus is vastly different from other plants
Toxic to fungi will last indefinitely.
One large passage-6marks.
I answer all question from passage in guess becos i have no time to read whole passage care fully.
1. Two pencils costs 8 cents, then 5 pencils cost how much
Sol: 2 pencils è 8 cents => 1 pencil è 4 cents
Therefore 5 pencils cost = 5 * 4 = 20 cents
2. A work is done by two people in 24 min. one of them can do this work a lonely in 40 min. how much time required to do the same work for the second person.
Sol: (A+B) can do the work in = 1/24 min.
A alone can do the same work in = 1/40 min.
B alone can do the same work in = (A+B)’s – A’s = 1/24 – 1/40 = 1/60
Therefore, b can do the same work in = 60 min
3.A car is filled with four and half gallons of oil for full round trip. Fuel is taken 1/4 gallon more in going than coming. What is the fuel consumed in coming up?
Sol Before the trip, car is filled with = 4 ½ gallon of oil
Let ‘X’ be the quantity of fuel consumed for the trip in one direction
The fuel consumed while going = X + ¼
The fuel consumed while coming = X
Therefore, the fuel consumed for the trip = (X + ¼) + X = 4 ½
ð 2X + ¼ = 4 ½ => 2X = 4 ½ – ¼ => 2X = 4 ¼ => X= 2. approx
Therefore the fuel consumed while coming = 2 gallon
4. Low temperature at the night in a city is 1/3 more than 1/2 high as higher temperature in a day. Sum of the low temperature and highest temp. is 100 degrees. Then what is the low temp?
Sol: 40 deg.
5. A person, who decided to go to weekend trip should not exceed 8 hours driving in a day. Average speed of forward journey is 40 m/h. Due to traffic in Sundays, the return journey average speed is 30 m/h. How far he can select a picnic spot?
a) 120 miles
b) Between 120 and 140 miles
c) 160 miles
Answer: 120 miles
6. A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph. Another person was also fined for exceeding the same speed limit by twice the same. If the second person was traveling at a speed of 35 mph, find the speed limit.
Sol: Let ‘x’ be the speed limit
Person ‘A’ was fined for exceeding the speed limit by = 10mph
Person ‘B’ was fined for exceeding the speed limit by = twice of ‘A’
= 2*10mph=20mph given that the second person was traveling at the speed of 35mph => 35mph – 20mph = 15mph
Therefore the speed limit is =15 mph
7.A bus started from bus stand at 8.00am, and after 30 minutes staying at destination, it returned back to the bus stand. The destination is 27 miles from the bus stand. The speed of the bus is 18mph. In return journey bus travels with 50% fast speed. At what time it returns to the bus stand?
Sol: 11.00am
8.In a mixture, R is 2 parts S is 1 part. In order to make S to 25% of the mixture, how much r is to be added?
Sol: One Part
9. Wind flows 160 miles in 330 min, for 80 miles how much time required.
10. With 4/5 full tank vehicle travels 12 miles, with 1/3 full tank how much distance travels
Sol: ( 5 miles )
11. A storm will move with a velocity of towards the center in hours, at the same rate how much far will it move in hrs.
Sol: ( but the answer is 8/3 or 2 2/3 )
12. In a two-dimensional array, X (9, 7), with each element occupying 4 bytes of memory, with the address of the first element X (1, 1) is 3000; find the address of X (8, 5).
Ans: 3212
13. In the word ORGANISATIONAL, if the first and second, third and forth, forth and fifth, fifth and sixth words are interchanged up to the last letter, what would be the tenth letter from right?
14. What is the largest prime number that can be stored in an 8-bit memory? Ans : 251
15. Select the odd one out…..a. Java b. Lisp c. Smalltalk d. Eiffel.
16. Select the odd one out a. SMTP b. WAP c. SAP d. ARP
17. Select the odd one out a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2
18. Select the odd one out a. WAP b. HTTP c. BAAN d. ARP
19. Select the odd one out a. LINUX b. UNIX c. SOLARIS d. SQL SEVER
20. Select the odd one out a. SQL b. DB2 c. SYBASE d. HTTP
21. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M = square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much memory now occupied?
Ans: 0.5%(SQRT 101N)
22. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in 24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans: 16
23. In which of the system, decimal number 184 is equal to 1234?
Ans: 5
24. Find the value of the 678 to the base-7.
Ans: 1656
25. Number of faces, vertices and edges of a cube
Ans: 6 8 12
26. Complete the series 2, 7, 24, 77,__
Ans: 238
27. Find the value of @@+25-++@16, where @ denotes “square” and + denotes “square root”.
Ans: 621
28. Find the result of the following expression if, M denotes modulus operation, R denotes round-off, T denotes truncation: M(373,5)+R(3.4)+T(7.7)+R(5.Cool
29. If TAFJHH is coded as RBEKGI then RBDJK can be coded as?
Ans: qcckj
30. G(0)= -1, G(1)=1, G(N)=G(N-1) – G(N-2), G(5)= ?
Ans: – 2
31. What is the max possible 3 digit prime number?
Ans: 997
32. A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 750 meters width. A cable is made from power unit to power plant opposite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the power unit.The cost of the cable below water is Rs.15/- per meter and cost of cable on the bank is Rs.12/-per meter. Find the total of laying the cable.
Ans : 1000 (24725-cost)
33. The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M = square root of 100N. If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much memory now occupied?
Ans:0.5%(SQRT 101N)
34. In Madras , temperature at noon varies according to -t^2/2 + 8t + 3, where t is elapsed time. Find how much temperature more or less in 4pm to 9pm.
Ans: At 9pm 7.5 more
35. The size of the bucket is N kb. The bucket fills at the rate of 0.1 kb per millisecond. A programmer sends a program to receiver. There it waits for 10 milliseconds. And response will be back to programmer in 20 milliseconds. How much time the program takes to get a response back to the programmer, after it is sent?
Ans: 30
36. A man, a woman, and a child can do a piece of work in 6 days. Man only can do it in 24 days. Woman can do it in 16 days and in how many days child can do the same work?
Ans: 16
37. Which of the following are orthogonal pairs?
a. 3i+2j b. i+j c. 2i-3j d. -7i+j
Ans: a, c
38. If VXUPLVH is written as SURMISE, what is SHDVD?
39. If A, B and C are the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fuel by 30%, 20% and 10%.What will be the fuel economy if they were used combined.
Ans: 20%
40. What is the power of 2? a. 2068 b.2048 c.2668
41. Complete the series. 3, 8, –, 24, –, 48, 63. Ans: 15.35
42. Complete the series. 4, -5, 11, -14, 22, — Ans: -27
43. A, B and C are 8 bit no’s. They are as follows:
A -> 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
B -> 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0
C -> 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
Find ((A-B) u C)=? Hint: 109…. A-B is {A} – {A n B}
44. A Flight takes off at 2 A.M from northeast direction and travels for 11 hours to reach the destination, which is in northwest direction. Given the latitude and longitude of source and destination. Find the local time of destination when the flight reaches there?
Ans: 7 am
45. A can copy 50 papers in 10 hours while both A & B can copy 70 papers in 10 hours. Then for how many hours required for B to copy 26 papers?
Ans: 13
46. A is twice efficient than B. A and B can both work together to complete a work in 7 days. Then find in how many days, A alone can complete the work?
Ans: 10.5
47. A finish the work in 10 days. B is 60% efficient than A. So how many days do B takes to finish the work?
Ans :100/6
48. A finishes the work in 10 days & B in 8 days individually. If A works for only 6 days then how many days should B work to complete A’s work?
Ans: 3.2 days
49. Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle. Find the one that is impossible? (HINT: sum of smaller 2 sides is greater than the other one, which is larger)
50. Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices? (Hint det(A)==0))
51. (Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance). Find units.
Ans: mass
52. The number 362 in decimal system is given by (1362) x in the X System of numbers find the value of X a} 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 e) 9
53. Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign then find the value of $%$6-%$%6
54. My flight takes of at 2am from a place at 18N 10E and landed 10 Hrs later at a place with coordinates 36N70W. What is the local time when my plane landed?
6:00 am b) 6:40am c) 7:40 d) 7:00 e) 8:00
(Hint: Every 1 deg longitude is equal to 4 minutes. If west to east add time else subtract time)
55. 7 8 9 11 13 ?? 19
56. there is a question like log.42=…,log.43=….then log.41==?
Entirely from Barron’s 12th edition 5 Model Test Papers at the end. Those who don’t have barrons, you can obtain it from the Internet and get the book in a pdf format. The questions asked are from these…
Model test 1: Section5 – qns 1-4 (motorist), qns 13-16 (red and brown)
Section6 – qns 1-4 (conservative,democratic), qns 8-11 (latin, sanskrit), qns 12-18 (joe,larry,ned), qns 19-22 (a causes b)
Model test 2: Section1 – qns 19-22 (wallachia and rumelia) —
Section6 – qns 8-12 ( ashland , liverpool), qns 13-16 (spelunker) —
qns 17-22 (pesth) —i got this one too
Model test 3: Section6 – qns 1-4 (all Gs are Hs)
Model test 4: Section5 – qns 8-11 (horizontal row), qns 19-22 (a,b,c cause d)
Section6 – qns 8-12 (spanish, italian), qns 13-16 (all As, Bs), qns 17-22 (progressive federal party)
Model test 5: Section3 – qns8-11 (museum), qns 19-22 (A is the father)
Section7- qns 1-5 (prahtu, brahtu)
TCS OFF CAMPUS 23rd August 2010 at NIET Noida.
1) Written test
Q1 What is the value of x+4y/x-2y. Given x/2y=2
Ans: 4.
Q2 Animals show different bahavioural changes at different environments.
A scientist at his research lab go 1 mile to north direction to study behaviour changes by bear. there he follow a bear towards east direction
for 1Km but has not radio collard it. Then he return to south direction by travelling 1 Km. What is the colour of bear.(Nothing is missing in this question).
1 Grey 2 White 3 Black 4 Yello
Ans White.There is no definite logic of this question, but because scientist go in north direction so its colour is white, because at the north pole bear are white.
Q3: There are 10 reading spots in a room. Each reading spot has a round table. Each round table has 4 chair. If different no of persons are sitting at each reading spot. And if there are 10 persons inside the room
then how many reading spots donot have atleast a single reader.
(1) 5 (2) 6 (3) 7 (4) None
Ans 6. because different no of persons are sitting on round table. So possible differnt combinations for 10 people will be 1 2 3 4. because max 4 people can sit on round table. so round tables left are 6.
Q4:Make a usual word by rearranging these alphabets tpreiki. What is this word.
(1) City (2) Bird (3) Country (4) Fruit
Ans. Bird. Its PERIKIT. somebody told me its perikit. Confirm exact spelling from net.
Q5 tracking————————————————————
———————————————————- a person do rock climbing at an altitude of 800 m.He go up by 7 mph. and come down by 9 mph. what was his av speed.
Ans (7+9)/2=8.
Q6 A boy want to make a cuboid of dimension 5m, 6m, 7m. from small cubes of .03 m3. later he realized he can make same cuboid by making it hollow. Then it take some cubes less. What is the no. of these cube.
Ans. Vol of solid cuboid= 5*6*7=210 m3.
Vol of its inner cuboid by removal of which the cuboid will be hollow= (5-2)*(6-2)*(7-2)=60 m3
Then ans will be 60/.03
Us samay mera dimag nahi chala to ye question maine attempt nhi kiya. maine har 1 dim se 2 minus kiya. ispe dhyan se sochna.
Q7. half of a no. is greater then 1/6 of same no. by 2. what is the no.
Ans. 6
Q8 Two years ago A was 6 times older than B. Now he is 2 times older than B. What is the age of A.
Ans. Age of A=5, Age of B= Two and half.
Q9 A man haning no siblings looks at the portrait of a person and says father of this person is father of me.
Ans : He himself
Q10 There are three brothers, two of them having the age difference of three years.The Elder brother is 2 more years older than
sum of the age of other two brothers. What is the age of elder brother.
(1)7 (2)10 (3)12 (4)15
Ans 15 years. The age of other two brothers is 5, 8years.
Q11 By which no 2880 should be divided with a swaller no that it becomes a complete square.
Ans 5(Make sure of it)
Q12 What is thew value of (78*78*78-45*45*45)/(78*78+78*45+45*45)
Ans 78-45=33. a3-b3=(a-b)(a2+ab+b2)
Q13 ———————————————————————–
—————————————then value of voltage and current was given. Then Resistance was required to be calculated.
Q14 Alice lies on Mon, Tue, Wed and tells truth rest of the days. Bob lies on Thu, Fri, Sat and tells truth rest of the days.
Both make a statement.Yesterday was one of the day when i lie to people. which day they made the statement.
Ans: Thursday.
Q15 A man buy a new ferrari car whose speed is three time of of his older car.His older car 45 mph. If his new car travelled a distance
of 945 mile. Then how much time his car has taken.
Ans 7.
Q16 A man has some goats and piegons.Then no. of legs were given and we were asked to find no. of piegons.
q17 there is a plot of 35m * 12m. and 1 sq m reuire 100 bricks then hw many bricks r required to cover whole areal of plot
ans. 35*12*100
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TCS: Dated- 22nd August 2010 at Reva Institute, Bangalore
The written test consists of some questions.
1. One man want to build a wall the length and breadth of the wall are 20, 30 respectively. He need 35 bricks for one square centimeter then how many bricks he need?
Ans:l*b*35(no of bricks needed for sqcm)
2. one person had three children.he has 7 pennis.then how he can distribute the fruits among his child by folloing conditions.
a)he can get one water millon for 1 penny.
b)he can get 2 oranges for 1 penny.
c)he can get 3 grapes for 1 penny.
Ans:2 water millon 1 orange 1 grape
3. . 1/3 rd of a number is more 3 than the 1/6th of a number then find the number?
4. In Tnagar many buildings were under residential category.for buildings they number as 1 to 100. For shops, corporation numbered between 150 and 200 only prime numbers. how many time 6 will appear in building numbering?
For 1 to 10 – 1 six
2 to 20 – 1 six
Similarly upto 59 we utilise six, 5 times
from 60 to 69 (including 66) – 11 times
from 70 to 100 – 3, hence ans = 5+11+3 = 19
5. one grand father has 3 grand child.eldest one age is 3 times of the youngest child age.sum of two youngest child age is more than two of eldest one age.find the eldest one age?
Ans: 15(we can easily predict from options, as we take y as 15)
6.difrence b/w two nubers is 4.and their product is 17.then find the sum of their squers?
Ans: 70 (By using (x-y)2=x2+y2-2xy)
7. I dont remember exactly the question, one logical problem stating the colour of beer?
Ans: white.
8. find category from following Jumbled letters, parakeet(answer)
Ans: bird(category)
9. which is the smallest digit when devides the 2880 gives perfect squre.?
Ans:5(we can easily predict from options, as we devides them with 2880)
10. one question like. formule?
Ans: here you can use the (a-b)3=(a-b)(a2+ab+b2)formule).
11. I don’t have any brothers and pointing a picture that man said that his father is my fathers .son then who is he?
Ans:his son.
12. 6 persons standing in queue with different age group, after two years their average age will be 43 and seventh person joined with them. hence the current average age has become 45. find the age of seventh person?
Solution: Here the question appear as an easy one, but carried a lot of unwanted sentences and unwanted datas(i dint mention above) in exam which may confuse u on solving technique.
So now we can compute x from above equation. (x = 41, 6x = 246)
Let now we compute y, ((6x+y)/7) = 45, as we have value of x, compute y.
Ans: 69
13.The ratio b/w the ages of two pwrsons is 6:5.and sum of there ages is 77 then how many years later there ratio becomes 8:7?
Ans: we can easily predict from options
14. Horse started to chase dog as it relieved stable two hrs ago. And horse started to ran with average speed 22km/hr, horse crossed 10 mts road and two small pounds with depth 3m, and it crossed two small street with 200 mts length. After traveling 6 hrs, 2hrs after sunset it got dog. compute the speed of dog?
Ans: As we have speed and travel time of horse, we can get distance travelled by it…
Hence d = 22*6 = 132km,
Exactly this 132km was travelled by dog in 8 hours (as it started two hours earlier).
Hence speed of dog = 132/8 = 16.5km/hr
15..six friends go to pizza corner there r 2 types of pizzas.and six different flavors r there they has to select 2 flavors from 6 flavors what’s chanses to select?
16.3, 22 , 7, 45, 15, ? , 31
Solution: Here it appear simple, because it arranged in arranged in sequence manner, but the actual question was some what twist mentioning fibonacci series and more over question was in statements (no numbers).. hence first try to understand the question well.
here let group alternate terms 3,7,15,31 (3+4 =7, 7+8 =15, 15+16=31)
Similarly for second group (22,45,? (22+23 = 45, 45+46 = 91) hence ans is 91.
17.cycles and 4 wheelors problem?
Ans: We can easily predict from options
18.some irrivvelent last two lines problem will be there.
One man walks certain distance with 5 kmph.and walk back the same
Ans: A
19.A and B tanks r there.1/8th of the tank B is filled in 22Hrs.what is time to fill the tank full?
Ans: I don’t know.
20.5 friends went for week end party to Mc donalds restrurent and there they measure there weights .some irrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrilevent data.finel measure is 155 kg then find the average weight of 5 people?
Ans: 155/5=31
21.2 pots r there.1st pot is filled with ink and 2nd pot is filled with water.take 1 spoon of ink from 1st pot and pore it in 2nd pot.and take 1 spoon of mixture from 2nd pot and pore it in 2nd pot then which one of following is true?
Ans: Water in 1st pot is less than the ink in 2nd pot.
22:One electronic problem?
Ans: V=IR
23.There r ten spots in library and each spot has 4 tables and ten readers ar there . sorry I don’t remember complete question?
Ans: None
24:lion and tiger r there.lion lies on Monday,tues,wends and tiger lies on thurs,frid,sat.
Lion said that today is one of those days when I lies.
Tiger said that today is one of those days when I lie too.Then find today?
Ans: Thursday
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Date: 22nd August 2010 @ SJB College Of Eng, Bangalore
1. Which is the smallest no divides 2880 and gives a perfect square?
a.1 b.2 c.5 d.6
Ans: c
2. Two bowls are taken, one contains water and another contains spoon of water is added to second bowl and mixed well, and a spoon of mixture is taken from second bowl and added to the second bowl. Which statement will hold good for the above?
(Ans: second liquid in first bowl is smaller than the first mixture in second bowl)
3. Form 8 digit numbers from by using 1, 2,3,4,5 with repetition is allowed and must be divisible by4?
a.31250 b.97656 c.78125 d.97657
Ans: c
4. Rearrange and categorize the word ‘RAPETEKA’?
Ans: bird
5. One problem on (a3-b3)/(a2+ab+b2)
Ans: ‘a-b’
6. In school there are some bicycles and 4wheeler Tuesday there are 190 wheels in the campus. How many bicycles are there?
Ans: 15
7. Key words in question (Fibonacci series, infinite series, in the middle of the question one number series is there….I got the series 3 12 7 26b 15?
(Logic: 3*2+1=7 12*2+2=26
7*2+1=15 26*2+2=54)
8. A lies on mon, tues, wed and speak truths on other days, B lies on thur, fri, sat and speaks truths on other days …one day a said I lied today and B said I too lied today. What is the day?
9. Man, Bear, North, South, walks.
Ans: White
10. A father has 7 penny’s with him and 1 water melon is for 1p, 2chickoos for 1p, 3 grapes foe 1p.he has three sons. How can he share the fruits equally?
Ans: 1 watermelon,2chickoos,1grape
11. (1/2) of a number is 3 times more than the (1/6) of the same number?
Ans: 9
12. There are two pipes A and B. If A filled 10 liters in hour B can fills 20 liters in same time. Likewise B can fill 10, 20, 40, 80,160….if B filled in (1/16) th of a tank in 3 hours, how much time will it take to fill completely?
Ans:7 hours
13. KEYWORDS:T.Nagar,Chennai,1-100,prime numbers b/n 140-180,How many 2’s are there?
Ans: 20 (Not only 2’s ,1’s,3’s,4’s,5’s,6’s,7’s,8’s,9’s,0’s also 20)
14. A man is standing before a painting of a man and he says I have no bro and sis and his father is my father’s son?
Ans: His son
15. One question has last part like difference between two terms is 9 and product of two numbers is 14, what is the squares of sum of numbers?
16. What is the value of [(3x+8Y)/(x-2Y)]; if x/2y=2?
Ans:10 {the numerical may change)
17. A pizza shop made pizzas with to home there are ‘N’ different flavors, in that ‘M’ flavors are taken to made how many ways they can arrange?
(Logic: NcM )
18. One grandfather has three grandchildren, two of their age difference is 3, eldest child age is 3 times youngest child’s age and eldest child’s age is two times of sum of other two children. What is the age of eldest child?
19. KEYWORDS: one organization ,material labor and maintenance are in the ratio of 47,the material cost is:100,what is the total cost?
Ans: 425
20. KEYWORDS: density, reluctance, sensitivity, voltage ,current, what is the resistance Formula is “R=V/I”
21. In a market 4 man are standing .the average age of the four before 4years is 45,aftyer some days one man is added and his age is 49.what is the average weight of all?
Ans: 49
22. KEYWORDS: Sports readers,10 tables,4chairs per table, each table has different number of people then how many tables will left without at least one person?
Ans : 6
23. KEYWORDS: Die, card, coin, b/n 2 to 12
Ans: All are equal
24. In a school for a student out of a 100 he got 74 of average for 7 subjects and he got 79 marks in 8th subject. what is the average of all the subjects?
Ans: 74.625
25. In a question ,last part has ,the ages of two people has the ratio of 6:6 and by adding the numbers we get 44,after how many years the ratio would be 8:7?
Ans: 8
26.One train travels 200m from A to B with 70 km/ph. and returns to A with 80kmph, what is the average of their speed?
27. Two years before Paul’s age is 2times the Alice age and the present age of Paul is 6times the Alice. what is the presents Paul’s age???( 3years) “u try to solve this question once”
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Date 22nd August 2010 At REVA College, Bangalore
1. There is ferarri and benz car, benz speed is say 10kmph and it cover 10 km.And if ferarri goes with 3 times faster than benz.So in how much time ferarri could take to cover same distance.
sol: as speed of ferarri is 3*10=30 so time will be 10/30
2. If one lady have 3 daughter and any of out 3 have diff, of ages is 3. And oldest is 3 times of more than 2 than yougest after 2 years then tell the age of oldest daughter.
Solution: let x is youngest ,y middle ,z oldest. so y-x=3, z-y=3, and z=2=2(x+2) and put the option answer try to get condition.(sorry i forgot option but pattern ll be same)
3.One question like that ,there is fabonaci series and you have to find one number ..clue-it based on series
4.area of trapezium?
5.if a person moves 15km straight and turns 45km right and moves 15km straight then how much distance he needs to walk to reach starting point?
6.if pqrstu implies qrstuv then abcdefg implies what?
7.if there are 30 cans out of them one is poisoned if a person tastes very little he will die within 14 hours so if there are mice to test and 24 hours ,how many mices are required to find the poisoned can?
.if atlantic is found in atlantic ocean ,india is found in
indian ocean then which of the following cases are true
8.if a and b are mixed in 3:5 ration and b,c are mixed in 8:5 ration if the final mixture is 35 litres,find the amount { a/b=3*8/5*8 and b/c=8*5/5*5 a/b/c=2425 ans=40*35/(24+40+35)=1400/89
of b in the final mixture
and the rest are like passage questions ,be sure to find the answer as soon as possible within 15 seconds,if you are not
able to do in 15 seconds then skip it and give a try at last.
10. There was a scientist who after doing research , found that color of skin of animals
vary with change in distance.One day he started to chase a beer .He walked 1 mile
towards north , then turned and walked 1 mile towards east and then caught the beer and
radio-ribboned the beer
Then he left the beer at that spot and returned to his base-station taking a turn towards
south (walked 1 mile towards south).Then what was the color of beer at that spot?
11.) 6 persons standing in queue with different age group, after two years their average age will be 43 and seventh person joined with them. hence the current average age has become 45. find the age of seventh person?
Solution: Here the question appear as an easy one, but carried a lot of unwanted sentences and unwanted datas(i dint mention above) in exam which may confuse u on solving technique.
Let x be current average age of first 6 persons in queue and current age of seventh person be y. Then 6x will become the sum of those 6 persons age.
Now, let compute the sum of those 6 persons after two years, 6x+12 (as each and individual increase their age by 2). hence its average become (6x+12)/6 = 43 (give in question itself).
So now we can compute x from above equation. (x = 41, 6x = 246)
Let now we compute y, ((6x+y)/7) = 45, as we have value of x, compute y.
Ans: 69
12) Horse started to chase dog as it relieved stable two hrs ago. And horse started to ran with average speed 22km/hr, horse crossed 10 mts road and two small pounds with depth 3m, and it crossed two small street with 200 mts length. After traveling 6 hrs, 2hrs after sunset it got dog. compute the speed of dog?
Ans: As we have speed and travel time of horse, we can get distance travelled by it…
Hence d = 22*6 = 132km,
Exactly this 132km was travelled by dog in 8 hours (as it started two hours earlier).
Hence speed of dog = 132/8 = 16.5km/hr
13) 3, 22 , 7, 45, 15, ? , 31
Solution: Here it appear simple, because it arranged in arranged in sequence manner, but the actual question was some what twist mentioning fibonacci series and more over question was in statements (no numbers).. hence first try to understand the question well.
here let group alternate terms 3,7,15,31 (3+4 =7, 7+8 =15, 15+16=31)
Similarly for second group (22,45,? (22+23 = 45, 45+46 = 91) hence ans is 91.
14) In Tnagar many buildings were under residential category.for buildings they number as 1 to 100. For shops, corporation numbered between 150 and 200 only prime numbers. how many time 6 will appear in building numbering?
For 1 to 10 – 1 six
2 to 20 – 1 six
Similarly upto 59 we utilise six, 5 times
from 60 to 69 (including 66) – 11 times
from 70 to 100 – 3, hence ans = 5+11+3 = 19
13)((4x+3y)+(5x+9y))/(5x+5y) = ? as (x/2y) = 2
Ans: 2(simple algebra, i think u no need of explanation)
15) If we subract a number with y, we get 4 increase of number, once it got divided by y itself.. Find that number??
Ans: 12 (we can easily predict from options, as we take y as 6)
16) Jumbled letters, parakeet(answer)
Ans: bird(category)
17) one question like. (209*144)^2 + (209*209)+(209*144)+(144*144) = ?
Ans: here you can use calc, many(4 to 5) questions were depend upon calc alone.(no need problem solving technique).
1Cool Im only son for my parents. (some irrelevant statements in the middle to distract u).The man in picture is my father’s son.(some irrelevant statements).who is he?
Ans: he himself(blood relation type of question).ans .his son
19) It is the class with the seating arrangement in 4 rows and 8 columns. When the teacher says ‘start’ the girl who is sitting in first row and first column will say 1, then the next girl sitting behind her will say 4, the next girl sitting behind that girl will say 7, in a particular order each girl is telling a number, the following girls told 10, 13 next turn is yours what u will say?16
20) A man is standing in front of a painting of a man, and he tells us the following: Brothers and sisters have I none, but this man’s father is my fathers son. Who’s on the painting?
a) The Son
b) The Father
c) Himself ; const html Riddle1
Sol = The Solution: His son
An Explanation
We can replace my fathers son by myself since he is the only child. Now remains: This man s father is myself, so this man is his son.
21) It is dark in my bedroom and I want to get two socks of the same color from my drawer, which contains 24 red and 24 blue socks. How many socks do I have to take from the drawer to get at least two socks of the same color?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 48
d) 25 ; Solution: 3
TCS Papers On Date 22nd August 2010 @ Vardhaman College
The online test consists of some questions given are below:
1. A scientist in Antarcitic region conducts research on bears, came to know that bears changes according to the location .once he moves 1 mile towards north ,then he moves 2 miles towards east, then 1 mile towards south. now the color of bear he found will be in :
a. Black.
b. White.
c. Brown.
d. Grey.
Clue: you must not try to answer above ques. In direction sense because no relevant data reg . directions in the answers were given, but logically answer is white because in the antarcitic region i.e polar region bears are in white color.
2. The difference of 2 no’s is 9 , product is 29 then what is the sum of the squares of the two numbers is:
Clue: (a-b)^2 = a^2 +b^2 – 2ab
3. One question like …((509 * 509*509) – (229*229*229)/((509-229)*((509*509)+(509*229) + (229*229) is: ( not sure of no’s but model is same)
Clue: solve using (a^3-b^3) formula also for some ques( a^3 +b^3).
4.find the least no which when divides 2880 gives a perfect square:
Options are: 3,4,5,6
Ans:5 ( 2880/5 = 576 )
5.if a word PARTEEK.. SOME THING LIKE THAT if reversed gives a word.the word is belonging to:
Clue: ans is BIRD because the word when reversed is PARKEET which belongs to the family of birds.
6. One question on ages like iam having 3 grand children the difference between two of them is 3 years . the eldest grand son is thrice that of the youngest grandson. Some of the ages of the two younger ones is some X times that of elder one. What is the present age of the elder one:
Ans is 15 for the question given to me.
7. one question on relations : a person says that I have no brother or sister .pointing to a photograph he says that that man’s father’s son is his father or some thing like that but question is so easy don’t be hurry u can easily answer it.
8. one question like there are 2 tanks A and B .for filling 1 litre in the tank A it fills tank B in 10,20,30,40,50….. in this ratio. Find the time taken to fill the 1/8th of tank B.
9. there are 2 cans filled with spirit and water .if a spoon of water is taken and added to can B now can B is well shaked . now if a spoon of spirit is taken from can B and added to can A.
a. Quantity of spirit in can A is more than quantity of water in can B.
b. Quantity of spirit in can A is less than quantity of water in can B.
c. Ratio of quantity of mixture of spirit in can A is more.
d. Ratio of quantity of mixture of water in can B is more.
Not sure of options but answers are like that
10. a question like a wire is wound whose resistance is some 132.44647 ohms …..if a voltage of 30 mv ,296 mA current is applied to it what is the resistance ……
Clue: use formula R= V/I. beware of voltage & current particularly kilo or milli etc.. units.
11. one question on finding perimeter of rectangle.
12. one question on series like A B C D E F G H………….. ( CONSIDER VALUES IN PLACE OF ABCD’S) . FIND the next term.
Clue: take alter native terms in the series find their difference,now consider next alternative items their difference is also the same now add the difference to the corresponding series last term.
13. there are two persons paul and Jay .Paul lies on Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday and the remaining days he speaks truth.Jay lies on Thursday,Friday,Saturday and the remaining Days he speaks truth.once they meet each other,in their conversation Paul says that yesterday is the day one among those I lie. Jay also says that yesterday I also lie. what is that day?
a) Sunday.
b) Tuesday.
c) Thursday.
d) Wednesday
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TCS Paper on 14th August 2010 at Thakur College of Engg, MUMBAI
The written test consists of 35 questions.
All questions are APTITUDE questions .No verbal,No passages etc. Only Aptitude. Based on blood relations, percentages, profilt-loss etc.
Time :1 hour
There is Negative marking: -0.33 for each wrong answer
form meaningful word from given letter : ARPAEEKT and tell meaning of that
ans: THE BIRD—parakeet
There is a lab asistant.who went 1 mile to north.1mile to
east………………………………………. …….killed a
bear.Returned to
lab……………………………………….. …………………………..
………………………………….What is the colour of the bear??
ans : WHITE
(REMEMBER THE ANS OF 1st two questions)
A pony ran away from stable she went to new york then went to US then to
mumbai ran through grass
………………………………………….. ..
………………………………………….. …Horse cought her after
4 hours…………………then pony went to sky……………
………………………If speed of horse is 35kmph and he left stable 3
hrs after pony left stable then what is speed of pony?
PONY ran for total 7 hrs
same dist covered by horse in 4 hrs with 35 kmph
thus dist of horsr 35X4
speed of pony—-35X4/7
Mumbai building dept decide to give numbers to building………..1-30
numbers were given to industrial buildings…1-100 were given to
…………………….Find how many number of 2′s were used while
numbering res.buildings(2 number kiti vela aala??)
ans : 19
find (31*31*31/44*44*44)*(87*87*87/56*56*56)
USE CALCI(calculator is allowed atleast in our batch it was allowed)
A toy train can make 10 sounds sound changes aftr every 4
now train is defective and can make only 2 sounds……………..
………………………………………….. ………………………….
find probability that same sound is repeated 3 times consecutively(1 OUT OF
thus 1 out of 8
resistance is X ohm voltage Y then wat is current
if a prson points at a photo nd say d person in dis picture iz son of my
fathers son wat iz reln
I have 3 grandsons………………………………….. ..
age diff btw 2 of grandsons X yrs
1st grandson is twice elder than younger one
adiition off ages of all the three is y
thn what is age of eldest grandson??(there is some value in X and Y)
Ferrari is leading car manufacturer.*Ferrari S.p.A.* is an Italian sports
car ………………………………….
it has enjoyed great success.
If Mohan’s Ferrari is 3 times faster than his old MERCEDES wich gave him 35
if Mohan travelled 490 km in his ferrari
the hw much time(hours) he took??
(options may b diff)
lion rat stayin in jungle happily…………………………………….
………………………………………….. …………………………….
Lion lies on : MON TUE WED
if lion says : I didnt lie yesterday
RAT says : e1 i didnt lie yesterday
so what day is today??
the ratio of current age of X and Y is 5:7,after hw many years der age ratio will b 7:9?
Inspired by fibonacci series sanket decided to create is own series which is 1,2,3,7,7,22,15,67,….
lik dis,then what no come immediately before 63?
ans= 202
xpalnaton ;check altenate no.1,3,7,15=====>n*2+1
similarly 2,7,22,67=======>n*3+1
so series is 1,2,3,7,7,22,15,67,31,202,63……..
exactly similar to above qn
valentine day 14 feb 2005,was celebrated by n and u on monday,he was very happy,he n she……..
………den day on 14 feb 2010???(similar to dis some date qn was der)
by using 1,2,3,4,5,how many 5 digit no. can be formed which is divisible by 4,repetation of no. is allowed??
17.the cost 1 plum is 1 cent ,2 apples is 1 cent,3 banana is 1 cent……..
if rahul buys same amount of fruits for his 3 sons spending 7 cent den what amount of fruit each child will get??
ans: 1 plum ,2 apple,1 banana
xplanation:7/3=2.333 cents for each child
according to ans given for d sum each child will get 1 plum ,2 apple,1 banana
2880 is divided by which smallest no. so we get no. which is perfect square???
ans= 5
xplanation 2880/5=576
19.der r to prime no……..(with some nonsence stuff)…………..
den addition of two prime no is 13,n multiplication is 21,den wat r some of der squares?
xplanation : XY=21 and X+Y=13…solve using calci..ans of X & Y will b in points..den x2+y2=??
smita was makin 1 design …..(again some nonsence)….size of larger cube to be made is 5*5*5……..
using smaller cubes of 1*1*1….she created solid larger cube ..den she decided to make hollow cube…
den hw many 1*1*1 cubes rqd to make hollow larger cube
ans= 104
xplanation (25+25)+(15+15)+(12+12)=104
2X/5Y=5X/3Y…den wat is x/y (some easy some)
A pizza parlor provides pizzas…there wer 2 toppings available initially peperoni and salami…
but now they,ve introduces 8 new toppings (some names) to select from……
a person wishes to buy two DIFFERENT pizzas of NEW topping….in how many ways he can do that??
ans : 8 X 7=56
person travels to….(some nonsence stuff)…..if he goes from A to B with speed of 4kmph and
returns back to B with speed of 5 kmph….what is his avg. speed of journey??(values may b different)
ans: 4.44(its NOT 4.5)
explaination : 2PQ/(P+Q)===2*4*5/(4+5)=4.44kmph
there is a dice having value frm 1 ..6 on each face……and a pack of cards having face card aces …..
(hugh chunk of nonsense)……when 2 dies are thrown and their scores are added then which sum will come max number of times??
Ans: 8
explanation : 8—-2,6 3,5 4,4
9—-4,5 3,6
10—-5,5 4,6
11—- 5,6
thus 8′s probability is more
susha brought terilon cloth and rope to (some nonsence nw jst go to last 2 lines)….”….
if rope is 153 mtr long and it is to be cut into pieces of 1 mtr long then how many times will she have to cut it??
ans : 152 times
(dnt remembr the xact q but procedure was somethn lyk this)
…………………….8th year–1/1024,, 9th year–1/512,, 10th year–1/256 then aftr hw many years 1/32???
ans: 13
(some q on this formula)(a3-b3) n (a+b)2=a2+b2+2ab
there are 2 cans A and B one of MILK and other of Water resp. , both of same qty……
first one teaspoon of milk from A can was added to B can…
then one teaspoon from B can was added to A can then wich of the folloewing is true..
1.Can A contain more milk than water in can B
2.Can A contain less milk than water in can B
3.both contain same qty of milk and water
Ans : option–2
probability sum on gloves,jackets and somethn lyk that(moderate sum)
there are some 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers parked ……..(some nonsense)……… number of wheels present is X(some value)
then how many 4 wheelers wer there (i dont remembr whole sum exactly)
(but it was easy ,q cud b solved by considering each and every options given as ans)
If a pipe can fill the tank within 6 hrs but due to leak it took 30 min more
now if the tank was full hw much tym will it take to get emptyed through the leak??(i dont remembr whole sum exactly)(lil bit tricky sum)
Avg wt of class is X kg(some number) after adding wt of the teacger avg wt of class becomes Y kg then wat is the wt of the teacher??
================================================== ========================================
Dated: 14th August 2010 At ITER, BHUBANESWAR
1. 6 persons standing in queue with different age group, after two years their average age will be 43 and seventh person joined with them. hence the current average age has become 45. find the age of seventh person?
Solution: it is given as after 2 yr average age wiil be 43 so now the average is 2 yr.
After addition of 7th person avg is 45 so 7th person wiil be 45+(6*(45-4))
Ans: 69
2. Horse started to chase dog as it relieved stable two hrs ago. And horse started to ran with average speed 22km/hr, horse crossed 10 mts road and two small pounds with depth 3m, and it crossed two small street with 200 mts length. After traveling 6 hrs, 2hrs after sunset it got dog. compute the speed of dog?
Ans: As we have speed and travel time of horse, we can get distance travelled by it…
Hence d = 22*6 = 132km,
Exactly this 132km was travelled by dog in 8 hours (as it started two hours earlier).
Hence speed of dog = 132/8 = 16.5km/hr
3. 3, 22 , 7, 45, 15, ? , 31
Solution: Here it appear simple, because it arranged in arranged in sequence manner, but the actual question was some what twist mentioning fibonacci series and more over question was in statements (no numbers).. hence first try to understand the question well.
here let group alternate terms 3,7,15,31 (3+4 =7, 7+8 =15, 15+16=31)
Similarly for second group (22,45,? (22+23 = 45, 45+46 = 91) hence ans is 91.
4. In Tnagar many buildings were under residential category.for buildings they number as 1 to 100. For shops, corporation numbered between 150 and 200 only prime numbers. how many time 6 will appear in building numbering?
this type of question if it is asked how many 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 then you bindly write the answer as 20.but for 1 answer wiil be 21 as 100 is included
5. ((4x+3y)+(5x+9y))/(5x+5y) = ? as (x/2y) = 2
Ans: as x=2y put the value and get the answer.
6: If we subract a number with y, we get 4 increase of number, once it got divided by y itself.. Find that number??
Ans: 12 (we can easily predict from options, as we take y as 6)
7. I dont remember exactly the question, one logical problem stating the colour of beer?
Ans: white.what ever the question about the color of beer means you wrote the answer as white because polar beer.this question is very lengthy don’t burther about that.
8. Jumbled letters, parakeet(answer)
Ans: bird(category)
9. one question like. (209*144)^2 + (209*209)+(209*144)+(144*144) = ?
Ans: here you can use calc, many(4 to 5) questions were depend upon calc alone.(no need problem solving technique).
10. Im only son for my parents. (some irrelevant statements in the middle to distract u).The man in picture is my father’s son.(some irrelevant statements).who is he?
A toy train can make 10 sounds sound changes aftr every 4
now train is defective and can make only 2 sounds……………..
………………………………………….. ………………………….
find probability that same sound is repeated 3 times consecutively(1 OUT OF
thus 1 out of 8
………………………………………….. ….
………………………………………….. …………………………
………………………………………….. …………………………..
resistance is X ohm voltage Y then wat is current
12. I have 3 grandsons………………………………….. ..
age diff btw 2 of grandsons X yrs
1st grandson is twice elder than younger one
adiition off ages of all the three is y
thn what is age of eldest grandson??(there is some value in X and Y)
13. Ferrari is leading car manufacturer.*Ferrari S.p.A.* is an Italian sports
car ………………………………….
It has enjoyed great success.
If Mohan’s Ferrari is 3 times faster than his old MERCEDES wich gave him 35
if Mohan travelled 490 km in his ferrari
the hw much time(hours) he took??
(options may be different)
lion rat stayin in jungle happily…………………………………….
………………………………………….. …………………………….
Lion lies on : MON TUE WED
if lion says : I didnt lie yesterday
RAT says : e1 i didnt lie yesterday
so what day is today??
14. The ratio of current age of X and Y is 5:7,after hw many years der age ratio will b 7:9?
15. Inspired by fibonacci series sanket decided to create is own series which is 1,2,3,7,7,22,15,67,….
lik dis,then what no come immediately before 63?
ans= 202
xpalnaton ;check altenate no.1,3,7,15=====>n*2+1
similarly 2,7,22,67=======>n*3+1
so series is 1,2,3,7,7,22,15,67,31,202,63……..
16. By using 1,2,3,4,5,how many 5 digit no. can be formed which is divisible by 4,repetation of no. is allowed??
Ans-last 2 place should be divisible by 4
So possible values at last place are 12,24,32,44,52 this can be arranged in 5 ways
The rest 3 places can be filled in 5*5*5 way so total is 5^4
17. The cost 1 plum is 1 cent ,2 apples
is 1 cent,3 banana is 1 cent……..
if rahul buys same amount of fruits for his 3 sons spending 7 cent den what amount of fruit each child will get??
ans: 1 plum ,2 apple,1 banana xplanation:7/3=2.333 cents for each child according to ans given for d sum each child will get 1 plum ,2 apple,1 banana
18. 2880 is divided by which smallest no. so we get no. which is perfect square???
ans= 5
xplanation 2880/5=576 sure sort question.
19. There are to prime no……..(with some nonsence stuff)…………..
den addition of two prime no is 13,n multiplication is 21,den wat r some of der squares?
Explanation : XY=21 and X+Y=13…solve using calci..ans of X & Y will b in points..den x2+y2=??
20. Smita was makin 1 design …..(again some nonsence)….size of larger cube to be made is 5*5*5……..
using smaller cubes of 1*1*1….she created solid larger cube ..den she decided to make hollow cube…
den hw many 1*1*1 cubes rqd to make hollow larger cube
Ans= 104
Explanation (25+25)+(15+15)+(12+12)=104
21. 2X/5Y=5X/3Y…den wat is x/y
22. A pizza parlor provides pizzas…there wer 2 toppings available initially peperoni and salami.
but now they,ve introduces 8 new toppings (some names) to select from……
a person wishes to buy two DIFFERENT pizzas of NEW topping….in how many ways he can do that??
ans : 8 X 7=56
23. Person travels to….(some nonsence stuff)…..if he goes from A to B with speed of 4kmph and
returns back to B with speed of 5 kmph….what is his avg. speed of journey??(values may b different)
Ans: 4.44(its NOT 4.5)
Explaination : 2PQ/(P+Q)===2*4*5/(4+5)=4.44kmph
24. There is a dice having value frm 1 ..6 on each face……and a pack of cards having face card aces …..
(hugh chunk of nonsense)……when 2 dies are thrown and their scores are added then which sum will come max number of times??
Ans: 8
Explanation : 8—-2,6 3,5 4,4
9—-4,5 3,6
10—-5,5 4,6
11—- 5,6
thus 8′s probability is more
25. ”susha brought terilon cloth and rope to (some nonsence nw jst go to last 2 lines)….”….if rope is 153 mtr long and it is to be cut into pieces of 1 mtr long then how many times will she have to cut it??
Ans : 152 times
26. There are some 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers parked ……..(some nonsense)……… number of wheels present is 240
then how many 4 wheelers wer there
This can be done by looking at the option first check the no of bicycles and then multiply it by 2.
And then substract the multiplication value from 240 if the value is divided by 4 then that is the answer
27. 1/3 of a number is 6 more than 1/6 of that number then what is the number
28. The cost of making a robot consists of material cost,repairing cost,coloring cost and is in the ratio 35.if the material cost is 1200 then find out the cost of the robot.
Ans- simple 3 part is 1200 so 3+4+5=12 part=?
29. There are pepsi 1 litre & oil 1 litre .it is given as 1 spoon of pepsi is aken and is mixed with Oil. Then 1 spoon oil&pepsi is taken and is mixed with pepsi then which of the condition holds true.
Ans-the amount of pepsi in oil is mre than amount of oil in pepsi.
30. An tank is filled with water .in first hour 10 lit ,in second hour 20 lit and in 3 rd hour time 40 lit.if time taken to fill ¼ of the tank is 5 hr.what is the time required to fill up the tank.
Ans-as the water is filled as twice speed.and in 5 the hour ¼.so in 6 hour ½.so answer 7 th hour.
TCS Paper on 29th August 2010 @ SRMCEM, Lucknow
Question 1: There is a toy train that can make 10 musical sounds. It makes 2 musical sounds after being defective. What is the probability that same musical sound would be produced 5 times consecutively? ( 1 of _____) ?
Answer: 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/32
32 will be the answer.
(My friends got similar question with “3 times consecutively”; for that the answer would be Cool
Question 2: Peter and Paul are two friends. The sum of their ages is 35 years. Peter is twice as old as Paul was when Peter was as old as Paul is now. What is the present age of Peter?
Luckily, I had this question twice. Initially I left it because of the confusing statement but when I got the same question second time with different names of the friends (Pooja and Prasad) then I gave a little extra time and solved it.
Answer: 20 years. I simply substituted the answers in the statement to find the best fit, because the statement in the question was pretty confusing.
Question 3: The ages of two friends is in the ratio 5:6. After how many years will the ages be in the ratio 7:8?
Answer: 10 years.
Question 4: (There was a long story, I’ll cut short it). There are 5 materials to make a perfume: Lilac, Balsalmic, Lemon, Woody and Mimosaic. To make a perfume that is in demand the following conditions are to be followed: Lilac and Balsalmic go together. Woody and Mimosaic go together, Woody and Balsalmic never go together. Lemon can be added with any material. (Actually they had also mentioned how much amount of one can be added with how much quantity of the other; but that’s not needed for the question.) All of the following combinations are possible to make a perfume EXCEPT:
1) Balsalmic and Lilac
2) Woody and Lemon
3) Mimosaic and Woody
4) Mimosaic and Lilac
Answer: Mimosaic and Lilac. I have made the question here really easy to understand. But the actual question was in a twisted language and it was difficult to find the answer. It took me some time to get to the answer.
Question 5: A girl has to make pizza with different toppings. There are 8 different toppings. In how many ways can she make pizzas with 2 different toppings.
Answer: 8 * 7 = 56
Question 6: A triangle is made from a rope. The sides of the triangle are A cm, B cm and C cm. (I do not remember the numerical value). What will be the area of the square made from the same rope?
Question 7: What is the distance of the z-intercept from the x-intercept in the equation ax+by+cz+d=0. (I do not remember the values of a,b,c,d)
Question 8: An athlete decides to run the same distance in 1/4th less time that she usually took. By how much percent will she have to increase her average speed?
Answer: 33.33%
Question 9: A horse chases a pony 3 hours after the pony runs. Horse takes 4 hours to reach the pony. If the average speed of the horse is 35 kmph, what s the average speed of the pony? (This question was really long with loads of irrelevant statement)
These are a few questions that I could recall. I made through the aptitude round by attempting 16 questions. Next was Technical Interview Round.
Technical Interview:
Here I will discuss the technical questions that were asked to me and also the questions asked to my friends.
Question 1: Write the pointer representation of a[i][j][k].
Question 2: i = 5
i++, ++i, –i, i–, 5
What will be the output if it is printed?
Question 3: How will you insert a new node between any two nodes in a linked list? Write the code.
Question 4: How will you find a particular data in the linked list?
Question 5: What is MD5?
Question 6: What is RSA? Explain its principle.
Question 7: There is a triangle and 3 ants on each vertex of the triangle. The 3 ants start to move randomly along the edges of the triangle. What is the probability that two ants will collide?
Question 8: What is the difference between C and C++?
Question 9: What do you mean by polymorphism?
Question 10: Give an example of polymorphism with code.
Question 11: What do you mean by OOP?
Question 12: What is inheritance?
Question 13: What is a friend function?
Question 14: What is an abstract class?
Question 15: Suppose there is a number 235 such that sum of first two digits is equal to the third digit. How many such 3 digits number are possible?
Question 16: Why is the VIRTUAL keyword used in C++?
Question 17: Which keyword is written to use a variable declared in one class in the other class?
Question 18: Suppose a code is written in C and you want to use that code in C++. How can you do that?
Question 19 What do you mean by DML?
Question 20: Is there any language other than SQL where DML is used? If yes, then which?
Question 21: How many normal forms do we have?
Question 22: Here is a tic-tac-toe game which is being played by 2 people:
x o _
o _ _
x o x
_ represent the blank spaces. Who played the last chance (x or o)?
Technical Questions asked to my friends:
Question 1: What is a transaction? Properties of Transaction?
Question 2: What “condition” will be written in the if statement such that both Hello World are printed when the following code is executed.
Question 3: What will be the output of the following code?
int i=5;
printf(“%d, %d, %d”, i++, i, ++i);
Which C compiler do you use? (My friend said TURBO)
What will be the output of above code in TURBO compiler? (He said SAME)
No! It will not be the same.
After the technical round, there was an MR i.e. Managerial Round.
It was just a 2-3 minutes round. The interviewer asked me to introduce myself. Then asked about my father. Then core values and strengths. Your hobbies? Which latest novel have you read?
Next was the HR round. This was a little time taking round as the technical one.
Question 1: Introduce yourself?
Question 2: Your family background; father, mother, siblings.
Question 3: How does TCS earns its revenues? How it does its business?
Question 4: What was the need of bringing Information Technology in India?
Question 5: There is a round cake. You have 3 chances to cut the cake. Divide the cake into 8 pieces in these 3 chances.
Question 6: Suppose if I reject you today, what will you do next?
Question 7: You have a good communication skill. Why is it so? Is it because of your schooling or family atmosphere? Whom do you give the credit for this?
Question 8: What are your strengths? Give 2 examples of your life incidents that portray this strength in you.
Question 9: What are your weaknesses?
TCS Paper on 29 August 2010 At SALT LAKE, KOLKATA
1) Now pet’s age is to times when paul was once. But at that time paul’s age=pet’s current age ,how old is pet?
2) Block has 10,9,5 size, how many unit cube is needed to make a block of that size?
3) 23 people are there, they are shaking hands together, how many hand shakes possible, if they are in pair of cyclic sequence.
4) 10men and 10 women are there, they dance with each other, is there possibilty that 2 men are dancing with same women and vice versa.
5) A lady took out jacket and gloves, which are avialable in blue 26, yellow 30 and red 56. Power goes off, she can distinguish between gloves and jacket but not in colors. What’s the possibilty their she will pick up pair of gloves of each color
6) B is taller than j and 3 pillers. P is shorter than B and 2 pillers is j shorter/taller than P?
Ans-irrelevant question
7) Sangakara and ponting selects batting by using a dice, but dice is biased so to resolve ponty takes out a coin, what is the probability that dice shows correct option.
Cool In school there are some bicycles and 4wheeler wagons. One Tuesday there are 58 wheels in the campus. How many bicycles are there?
Ans: 7
9. Two bowls are taken, one contains water and another contains spoon of water is added to second bowl and mixed well, and a spoon of mixture is taken from second bowl and added to the second bowl. Which statement will hold good for the above?
(Ans: second liquid in first bowl is smaller than the first mixture in second bowl)
10. Which is the smallest no divides 2880 and gives a perfect square?
a.1 b.2 c.5 d.6
Ans: c
11. Form 8 digit numbers from by using 1, 2,3,4,5 with repetition is allowed and must be divisible by4?
a.31250 b.97656 c.78125 d.97657
Ans: c
12. One problem on (a3-b3)/(a2+ab+b2)
Ans: ‘a-b’
13. Rearrange and categorize the word ‘RAPETEKA’?
Ans: bird(parakeet)
14. Key words in question (Fibonacci series, infinite series, in the middle of the question one number series is there….I got the series 3 12 7 26 15 b ?
(Logic: 3*2+1=7 12*2+2=26
7*2+1=15 26*2+2=54)
15. A father has 7 penny’s with him and 1 water melon is for 1p, 2chickoos for 1p, 3 grapes foe 1p.he has three sons. How can he share the fruits equally?
Ans: 1 watermelon,2chickoos,1grape
16. A lies on mon, tues, wed and speak truths on other days, B lies on thur, fri, sat and speaks truths on other days.. one day a said I lied today and B said I too lied today. What is the day?
17. Man, Bear, North, South, walks.
Ans: White
18. (1/2) of a number is 3 times more than the (1/6) of the same number?
Ans: 9(for any no it can be true)
19. There are two pipes A and B. If A filled 10 liters in hour B can fills 20 liters in same time. Likewise B can fill 10, 20, 40, 80,160….if B filled in (1/16) th of a tank in 3 hours, how much time will it take to fill completely?
Ans:7 hours
20. KEYWORDS:T.Nagar,Chennai,1-100,prime numbers b/n 140-180,How many 2’s are there?
Ans: 20 (Not only 2’s ,1’s,3’s,4’s,5’s,6’s,7’s,8’s,9’s,0’s also 20)
21. One question has last part like difference between two terms is 9 and product of two numbers is 14, what is the squares of sum of numbers?
22. A man is standing before a painting of a man and he says I have no bro and sis and his father is my father’s son?
Ans: His son
23. What is the value of [(3x+8Y)/(x-2Y)]; if x/2y=2?
Ans:10 {the numerical may change)
24. A pizza shop made pizzas
with to home there are ‘N’ different flavors, in that ‘M’ flavors are taken to made how many ways they can arrange?
(Logic: NcM )
25. One grandfather has three grandchildren, two of their age difference is 3, eldest child age is 3 times youngest child’s age and eldest child’s age is two times of sum of other two children. What is the age of eldest child?
26. In a market 4 man are standing .the average age of the four before 4years is 45,aftyer some days one man is added and his age is 49.what is the average weight of all?
Ans: 49
27. KEYWORDS: one organization ,material ,labor and maintenance are in the ratio of 47,the material cost is:100,what is the total cost?
Ans: 425
28. KEYWORDS: density, reluctance, sensitivity, voltage ,current, what is the resistance Formula is “R=V/I”
29. KEYWORDS: Sports readers,10 tables,4chairs per table, each table has different number of people then how many tables will left without at least one person?
Ans : 6
30. KEYWORDS: Die, card, coin, b/n 2 to 12
Ans: All are equal
31. In a school for a student out of a 100 he got 74 of average for 7 subjects and he got 79 marks in 8th subject. what is the average of all the subjects?
the xtra 5 marks will be distributed in 8 semester, 5/8=.625
32. In a question ,last part has ,the ages of two people has the ratio of 6:5 and by adding the numbers we get 44,after how many years the ratio would be 8:7?
Ans: 8
33. Two years before Paul’s age is 2times the Alice age and the present age of Paul is 6times the Alice. what is the presents Paul’s age???( 3years) “u try to solve this question once”
34.One train travels 200m from A to B with 70 km/ph. and returns to A with 80kmph, what is the average of their speed?
The computer based test had questions :-
Area and Perimeter, Probability, Problems on Ages, Pipes and Cisterns, Ratio and Proportion some logical questions, blood relations, percentages, profit-loss, area, direction sense etc.
1) Written
2) Technical
3) HR
4) Managial round
1. A man whose age is 45 yrs has 3 sons named John,jill,jack. He went to a park weekly twice.he loves his sons very much. On a certain day he find # shopkippers sailing different things. An apple cost 1penny, 2chocalate costs 1penny.& 3 bananas cost 1 penny. He has bought equal no. of apple, chocolate & banana for each son. If the total amount he invest is 7 penny then how many he has bought from each piece for his son?
a)1app,1cho,1 banana
b)1 app,2cho,3 banana
D)2 app,2cho,2 banana
2. A scientist was researching on animal behavior in his lab. He was very interested in analyzing the behavior of bear. For some reason he travelled 1mile in north direction & reached at north pole.there he saw a bear .he then followed the bear around 1 hr with a speed of 2km/hr in east direction.After that he travelled in south direction & reached at his lab in2 hrs. Then what is the colour of the bear? I think ans is white
a)white b)black c)gray d)brown
3. How many 9 digit numbers are possible by using the digits 1,2,3,4,5 which are divisible by 4 if repetition of digits is allowed?
4. Calcutation based on A^3-B^3 formula
5. A long story based ALICE AND WONDER LAND after that simple age question .
6. Question based on V=I*R but in dis question most of data given are ridiculas like volume ,density,length,height similar long story are given
7. A direct question on blood relation.
8. A big Question describing a story ARYABHATT AND HIS DAUGHTER LILAVATI
After that a number is given eg what if we divide the number it ll become a perfect square?
9. 1st a story. Then a simple ratio problem. The question was if the ratio of age of two persons is 5:6,sum of present age is 33,then in how many years the ratio of their age becomes 7:8?
a)3 b)4 c)5 d)6
10. A very big story.on Tuesday college parking place have only 4wheelers & bicycles,total no of wheels was 182,yhen what is the possible no of bicycles?
a)20 b 19 c 18 d 17
11. Simple question bt big one on average age.sth like a,b,c weigheted separately 1st a,b,c ,then a& b,then b&c ,then c&a at last abc,the last weight was 167,then what will be the avg weight of the 7 weight?
12. Arrange the jumbled letters to make a perfect word RGTEI(sth like this). Find to which category it belong? (plz do not these type q becoz its time consuming)
A)town b)vegetable c)animal d) bird
13) Simple puzzle based on IQ
3 persons a,b,c were there A always says truth,B lies on Monday,tusday,& Wednesday.but C lies on thrusday,Friday & saturday .one day A said”that B & C said to A that” B said “yesterday way one of the days when I lies”,C said that”yesterday way one of the days when I lies too”.then which day was that?
Ans: a Sunday b thrusday c saterday d….
14) A girl has to make pizza with different toppings. There are 8 different toppings. In how many ways can she make pizzas with 2 different toppings.
Answer: 8 * 7 = 56
15) Peter and Paul are two friends. The sum of their ages is 35 years. Peter is twice as old as Paul was when Peter was as old as Paul is now. What is the present age of Peter?
16) Question based on pipe & ciston (geometrical series)
A and B tanks r there.1/8th of the tank B is filled in 22Hrs.what is time to fill the tank full?
17) 5 friends went for week end party to Mc donalds restrurent and there they measure there weights .some irrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrilevent data.finel measure is 155 kg then find the average weight of 5 people?
1Cool 2 pots are there.1st pot is filled with ink and 2nd pot is filled with water.take 1 spoon of ink from 1st pot and pore it in 2nd pot.and take 1 spoon of mixture from 2nd pot and pore it in 2nd pot then which one of following is true?
ans: Water in 1st pot is less than the ink in 2nd pot.
19) There r ten spots in library and each spot has 4 tables and ten readers ar there . 10 student come into liberary and want 2 study in how many ways that they sit in d liberary so that no chair would be blank?
ans :1
Technical Interview:
1) Basic C
2) Programm of palindrom
3) Same prom via pointer
4) Difference b/w structure & union
5) Question based on networking
6) Question based on tcp/ip & osi layer and their function
7) My final year project
Cool Industrial traing
9) Some questin based on switching theory
10) Kirchaff voltage law
11) Purpose of k-map
12) Addition of a+b in microprocessor
HR & Managial round:
1) Weakness
2) Question based on weakness
3) Microprocessor question
4) Difference b/w p4 & core2 dua microprocessor
TCS Placement Paper

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Tata Consultancy Services is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting company, headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra and largest campus and workforce in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Founded: 1 April 1968
Headquarter: Mumbai
Founders: Faquir Chand Kohli, Tata Sons, J. R. D. Tata