TCS Placement Papers
Company: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Tata Consultancy Services, commonly known as TCS is one of the leading companies in the It sector. It not only helps to maintain the various operations, but also helps to transform them. TCS makes use of different processes, new technologies and people to get the best results and provides a level of certainty which other competitors cannot match.
There are a numerous number of colleges that produce thousands of freshers each year. Many of them dream to get a job in TCS and establish their career. It may seem that finding a job is easy as there are many companies that are recruiting students. But it has got many barriers. In order to make your dream come true, firstly you need to clear the placements tests that are being conducted. And since there are many companies that are conducting these placement procedures, it is not easy to prepare yourself in a limited time. In this case you require being a smart worker rather than a hard worker. The best way to prepare yourself is by downloading sample placement papers that are readily available in the various sites.
TCS has its own way of setting up papers. Once you download the placement papers, you will come to know about their paper pattern. It will not only help you to prepare yourself for the written tests but also for the GD and interview round. It gives you an idea about the type of questions and the marks distribution. In every test, TCS makes certain changes in their question level to keep up with the competition for the vacant positions. If you download the latest papers from some reliable sources, then you can certainly prepare yourself and also keep yourself updated about the changes that are being made in the paper pattern and difficulty levels. You can solve the papers on your own as well as go through the answers to cross check yourself. In this way you will be aware of your weak areas and get an opportunity to improve in those areas.
There are many books released by different publications and colleges which assist in preparing for the recruitment procedures. These can be the general aptitude books or the question banks. But this does not provide the latest papers of TCS. In this case it is better to get the TCS sample papers for yourself.
The general procedure followed by TCS is Aptitude round, Technical HR round and then Personal interview round. The tests are conducted online. The online aptitude test consists of three sections: Verbal aptitude, Quantitative aptitude and the Critical reasoning. The aptitude test generally consists of 35 questions.
But now the question arises as to where you can find the placement papers. Well, you can get TCS’s papers in different websites. The different job newsletters also contain the sample papers. Another way to get the papers is to look for them in the various career guidance sites. Ultimately, starting a career in TCS depends a lot on your performance in the placement tests. So the TCS placement papers can be of great help to your career if you follow the right path.
TCS Placement Papers

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
Tata Consultancy Services is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting company, headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra and largest campus and workforce in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Founded: 1 April 1968
Headquarter: Mumbai
Founders: Faquir Chand Kohli, Tata Sons, J. R. D. Tata