Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Placement Paper
Company: Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab
I attended the HONEYWELL written test on 7th April 2007. The selection proceture has 4 rounds.
Round 1 : Written test
Round 2 : Technical interview
Round 3 : Tech interview
Round 4 : HR interview
Round 1:
In first round they separated the whole candidates as two streams namely electronics stream and IT stream. we have separate paper according to our stream. I’m a EEE student so I come under electronics stream.
First round contains two types of paper
1) objective type
2) descriptive type
Objective type:
It contains 100 objective type questions.
50 tech [Electronics, DSP, Control Systems
, Digital Sysrems, Micro processor, LIC and etc,]
30 C[structure, Array, pointer, data types, functions ]
20 aptitude[very eay R.S Agarval enough]
all in 100 minutes. 25% negative marking for each wrong answer.
Descriptive type:
It has two section
1) tech part [Electronics, DSP, Control Systems, Digital Sysrems, Micro processor, LIC and etc]—> 10 mark
2) Programming part [ u’ve a option to choose C, C++, JAVA, .NET] ——->10 mark
All in 20 minutes
Round 2:
1 Hour Paper
All were Basic Questions [Electronics, DSP, Control Systems, Digital Sysrems, Micro processor, LIC and etc] and C, and mainly your project. Focus on your RESUME. That’s very very important.
Round 3:
About 45 minutes, some what depth, deals with deep technical concepts [ be ready for it ]. and C. They (2 pannel) asked me about past interview experience in this round.
Round 4:
This is HR round. It was very easy. It contains genral questions like what’s ur strength?, what your frinds think about u?, ur achivements and etc… I attended the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rounds in HONEYWELL TECH SOLLUTIONS, MADURAI.
The result was announced on May 14th, 2007 mobile.
Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Placement Paper