Huawei Technologies
Huawei Technologies

Company: Huawei Technologies

1.standard error stream stderr,
ans: are by defaultbuffered

2.Named pipes are ansd:strictly unidirectional, even on systems where anonymous pipes are bidirectional ( full-duplex).

3.proto type of printf
ans: int fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, …)

4.user level switcjing is faster than the kernel level s/w
ans:since a trap to kernel is not required(user level thread is not known by the os)

5.automatic variables are stored in

6.dynamic meory is it allocated from heap/satck…? to find the size of file in unix Technical

8.How many times is the for loop executed
for(i=0;i<10;i++); a. 1 b. 10 c. compiler error d. not executed 9. How many times is the for loop executed for(i=0;i<10;i++); a. 1 b. 10 c. compiler error d. not executed 10. for selection, we use a .if..else b .for loop c. while loop d….. 11. Which of the following is executed 1rst? i .&& ii.|| iii.! a. i b. ii c. iii d. all are equal 12. To find o/p of a recursive pgm, function where in parameters are passed by value,reference……function used in ansi computers to clear the screen is: a. clrsc b. clear c. clescr d. none of the above

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