CDAC Placement Paper Company: CDAC 1. What is data structure?Answer:A data structure is a way of organizing data that considers not only the items stored, but also their relationship to each other. Advance knowledge about the relationship between data items allows designing of efficient algorithms for the manipulation of data.2. List out the areas in […]
CDAC Placement Papers
CDAC Placement Paper
CDAC Placement Paper Company: CDAC CDAC Programming Concepts 1. The ability to reuse objects already defined, perhaps for a different purpose, with modification appropriate to the new purpose, is referred to as Information hidingInheritanceRedefinitionOverloading 2. The term given to the process of hiding all the details of an object that do not contribute to its […]
CDAC Placement Papers on 2006
CDAC Placement Papers Company: CDAC CDAC Select the Best Choice(s): 1. A set of rules, which enable orderly exchange of information between two devices.a) Topology b) Protocol c) Transmission Media d) None of the above 2. ISO stands fora) International Standards Organizationb) International Organization for Standardizationc) Both of aboved) None of above 3. Proposal for […]
CDAC Placement Papers
CDAC Placement Papers Company: CDAC CDAC Sample Placement Papers Paper Type : General – other C-Dac Sample quesion paper – pattern 2 Programmin Concepts 61. The ability to reuse objects already defined, perhaps for a different purpose, with modification appropriate to the new purpose, is referred to as Information hiding Inheritance Redefinition Overloading 62. The […]
CDAC Placement Papers
CDAC Placement Papers Company: CDAC Sample Placement PapCDAC ers – 1 Paper Type : General – other C-Dac Sample quesion paper – pattern 3Answer: 1. What is data structure?A data structure is a way of organizing data that considers not only the items stored, but also their relationship to each other. Advance knowledge about the […]
CDAC Technical Placement Papers
CDAC Technical Placement Papers Company: CDAC CDAC Technical Placement Papers C, C++ C-Dac Sample quesion paper – pattern 1 Fundamentals of Programming1.The programming language that was designed for specifying algorithmAddressASCIIALGOLNone of these options 2. _____ contains the addresses of all the records according to the contents of the field designed as the record key.Index<——ans Subscript […]
CDAC Placement Paper
CDAC Placement Paper Company: CDAC 1.The programming language that was designed for specifying algorithmAddressASCIIALGOLNone of these options 2. _____ contains the addresses of all the records according to the contents of the field designed as the record key.Index<——ans Subscript Array File 3. _________ symbol is used for Processing of data. Oval Parallelogram<——ans Rectangle Diamond 4. […]
CDAC Placement Paper
CDAC Placement Paper Company: CDAC Hi I wrote C-DAC exam on 29th Jan at b’lore.Pattern is 2 hrs and 100 qs.paper was very easy.consisted of aptitude questions.concentrate on ‘volumes & areas’ chapter from R.S.Aggarwal.coz almost 10 qs came from tht chapters has equal weightage. also thrz verbal and quant reasoning.verbal has synonyms, antonmys. CDAC […]
CDAC Placement Paper on 15th April 2007 at Chennai
CDAC Placement Paper Company: CDAC Hi i have attended CDAC exam of 15th april 2007 and the test comprises of 1. Aptitude2. c/c++3. Java aptitude is nothing it will be very easy, jus from R.S Agarvall example1.time and work problem2.train problem3.chain rule problem4.ratios And in technical side it will be from c and c++? and […]
CDAC Placement Paper on 20th Aug 2006
CDAC Placement Paper on 20th Aug 2006 Company: CDAC Hi folks! i am Anwarul Abbasi, i have managed to get some questions of the recent CDAC (all India) entrance paper of DESD, it was held on 20.08.2006, and here they are: Sections A ( C programming) Total Question 35 Sections B ( Digital, Mup,Electrical,Networking) Total […]