Google Placement Papers Company: Google 1. The unit of force in S I system of units isA. dyne B. Kilogram C. Newton D. Watt ans C 2. the angle bet two forces when the resultant is max and min respectively areA. 0 and 180 B. 180 and 0 C. 90 and 180 D. 90 and […]
Google Placement Papers
Telco Technical and Aptitude Questions
Company: Google Telco Technical and Aptitude Questions | Telco Placement Papers 1. Ratio of speed of camshaft to crankshaft in 4-stroke engine? (a)1:2 (b)2:1 (c)1:4 (d)4:1 2. to change the dir. of rotation of 3 phase induction moterwe have to change? 3.why we make initially star-connection then delta-connection? 4. H8/f8 shows? (a)clearence fit (b)shrink fit […]
Google Placement Papers
Google Placement Papers Company: Google 1. The unit of force in S I system of units isA. dyne B. Kilogram C. Newton D. Watt ans C 2. the angle bet two forces when the resultant is max and min respectively areA. 0 and 180 B. 180 and 0 C. 90 and 180 D. 90 and […]
Google Placement Paper on 2010 at Guwahati
Google Placement Paper Company: Google Latest Google Placement Paper Pattern at IIT Guwahati, October 2010 Questions: 30 questions and 2 programs time 1 hour.All Questions are multiple type. I just mention the questions options not remember. 1. Find the value of n the following code:int F(int n)if( n!=0& !(n&(n-1)))printf(“%d”,n)n is i. Even noii. Odd nosiii. […]
Google Placement Paper
Google Placement Paper Company: Google Google Placement Paper and Sample Paper1. Solve this cryptic equation, realizing of course that values for M and E could be interchanged. No leading zeros are allowed.WWWDOT – GOOGLE = DOTCOMThis can be solved through systematic application of logic. For example, cannot be equal to 0, since . That would […]
Google Placement Paper on 2010
Google Placement Paper Company: Google Latest Google Placement Papers 2010Institute: IIT Guwahati Date of test: 24/11/2010 Package: 16Lakh Paper Type: CSE B Tech/M Tech /PHD Section A1. Quick-sort is run on two inputs shown below to sort in ascending order(i) 1,2,3, ….,n(ii) n, n – 1, n – 2, …., 2, 1Let C1 and C2 […]
Google Placement Papers on 2009
Google Placement Papers Company: Google Google Inc. The online test consists of 4 modules.For each module a timer is set (at the right hand side bottom of the screen). Total time given is 40 minutes. Module 1: English (duration 5 min)It consists of a single passage followed by 5 questions. Module 2: General aptitude (duration […]
Google Placement Papers on 2010
Google Placement Papers Company: Google Google Inc. 1. Solve this cryptic equation, realizing of course that values for M and E could be interchanged. No leading zeros are allowed.WWWDOT – GOOGLE = DOTCOM This can be solved through systematic application of logic. For example, cannot be equal to 0, since . That would make , […]
Google Placement Paper
Google Placement Paper Company: Google Google Interview Questions Part – 1This is a list of interview puzzles used at Google.You have to get from point A to point B. You don?t know if you can get there. What would you do?Imagine you have a closet full of shirts. It?svery hard to find a shirt. So […]
Google Placement Paper on 2005
Google Placement Paper Company: Google 1. Solve this cryptic equation, realizing of course that values for M and E could be interchanged. No leading zeros are allowed. WWWDOT – GOOGLE = DOTCOM This can be solved through systematic application of logic. For example, cannot be equal to 0, since . That would make , but […]