Steel Authority of India Placement Papers Company: Steel Authority of India Limited I’m Shreyansh. I’m from Electrical stream. I have appeared for written exam of SAILl for M.T. There were total 200 questions out of which 100 technical, 25 general knowledge, next 25 are of English, next 50 based on aptitude and reasoning. Total time […]
Steel Authority of India Limited Placement Papers
SAIL Placement Papers on 2010
SAIL Placement Papers Company: Steel Authority of India Limited Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) 1. Which of the following is not a rabi crop?(a) Wheat(b) Barley(c) Jute(d) RapeseedAns. (c) 2. Blue Revolution is associated with(a) Fish(b) Milk(c) flower(d) LitmusAns. (a) 3. Study the following features of farming in India:1. The farmers voluntarily pool their […]
SAIL Placement Paper
SAIL Placement Paper Company: Steel Authority of India Limited Steel Authority of India (SAIL) SAIL MT Exam Reasoning Previous Paper With Solution 1. How many cards of E type are inserted in brown envelopes?* Nil* One* Answer is: Two* Three* Data inadequate 2. Which of the following combinations of the type of cards and the […]
SAIL Placement Papers
SAIL Placement Papers Company: Steel Authority of India Limited Steel Authority of India (SAIL) 1. If ‘JANTA’ is coded as ‘26’ and DEPOSIT as ‘52’. How can be the code number for ‘JANTA DEPOSIT SCHEME’?1. 2652762. 2652133. 2652874. 2652104 2. If SALEM is coded as RZKDL, how can MADRAS be coded?1. NZESZR2. LZESZT3. LZCQZR4. NBESBT […]
SAIL Placement Paper on 2009
SAIL Placement Paper on 2009 Company: Steel Authority of India Limited SAIL PLACEMENT PAPER 2009 what is the main different between distribution transformer and power transformer ? where manning formula used what is the differance between item category amd material type ? When a square wave is applied to primary of a transformer then what […]
SAIL Placement Papers
SAIL Placement Papers Company: Steel Authority of India Limited SAIL Placement PapersThis section covers latest Placement papers , Pattern , Profile and hr interviews of SAIL company. We usually update this section with latest ( 2006 , 2007 ) SAIL Placement papers and Pattern. If you have attended SAIL written exam recently , kindly submit […]