Company: HCL Technologies

This s sharmila.K. I belong to CSE. I have be selcted for HCL technololgies. I m glad to share a few of my moments with u. I hve written my aptitude on Nov 26 in Anna University. The Aptitude was very simple.

It includes 5 microprocesor questions n 20 technical questions n 10 general concepts of computer n 10 quantitative apptitide (Time & distance, percentage,age…etc). I have cleared it and attended interviews on DEC 3. Interview includes two phases : a technical interview n a HR.

Technical interview includes questions from C, C++, Java, OS, DBMS, Application concepts, Datastructures, (others includes Microprocessor, C#..etc..). For CSE n IT students shuld be very strong in their programming.

Techincal Interview questions:
Which s static variable?
what is polymorphisam?
What is Soring techniques?
Binary sorting program(write)
Linked list program
Program on polymorphisam?
Tht s all i do remember.

HR interview as a cool interview .
Tell me about urself
wht are r the layers of OSI model?
Wht s the abbreviations of OSI?
Wht s the differnce b/wn http n https?
chk which s valid
http: or http:o1. . . …
Few questions regarding my family background?

So if u hve 30% preparations 70% confidence u can surely be placed.I wish all the best for my junior friends.All the best

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