L&T Infotech Placement Paper & Interview
Company: L&T Infotech
hi, i have attended an off campus @ cbit for L&Tinfotech.. its my second attempt when i failed in infosys…
the aptitude test is of three sections
1) Verbal(30)
2) Reasoning(30)
3) Quantitative(30)
2000 ppl have appeared for written test out of which 250 were shortlisted. r.s agrawal can b da best book 4 aptitude test. plz manage time properly. n attempt verbal,quant,logical in order as dis is da preferance considered for da cut off.
if der r too many ppl den dey take jam else GD… i had jam.. out of 250 ..100 were shortlisted for da technical
me:(always smile) hello sir,
sir: hello,plz sit down
sir: so,tell me abt urself
me:(i told)never show over confidence
sir:wat is boot?
sir:wat isTCP/IP model
sir:questns(every thing related 2 DS.. stacks,heaps,linked lists,queues)
sir: ok u can wait
dont worry though annoyin round b thorough wid da concepts of c/c++ ,DS..
HR round
dont worry abt dis round .. b urself.. never pretend(dey read ur minds Smiley ) if u r thru wid tech 90% u r thru da HR…..
Al da very best guys….
L&T Infotech Placement Paper & Interview