Satyam Placement Paper
Company: satyam
Hai Friends!!!
I got selected in satyam. I’m Rahul Balagopal, I’m giving you a pattern of the recruitment process conducted by satyam at Jyothi Engg College ,Trichur.I’m from the same college and my branch is Information technology.
Totally around 1300 peoples participated. And only 470 cleared the test and out of which only 150 cleared the GD and those 150 had gone to interview. Finally 76 guys were selected…
The pattern of their recruitment is:
1. Written Test
2. Group Discussion
3. Tech & HR.
Written test: 15-questions.(30 min)
1-mark for right answer,1/4 minus for every wrong answer.
Remember negative marking will be there, don’t try to guess the answers. First choose the questions which are easy and not lengthy. many question were very easy but only thing is they will try to confuse you .
Most of the questions were from “Quantitative Aptitude” by R.S AGGARWAL”
Topics from which i got questions
1. Data Interpetation
2. Compound interest
3. Simple Interest
4. Pyramids
5. Trains & speed
6. work and Time
7. Averages
8. Clocks……Angle between hour hand and minutes hand …….
9. Volumes
10. Percentages
11. Problem on Ages
12. Reasoning question
13. Calendar
14. Probability
15. Alligation or Mixture
That’s what I remember
My personal suggestion is attempt 9-10 questions only and make sure that all are correct and you can clear written if >6 are correct
I cleared Written
Group Dicussion:
The next day was the GD round. There were 470 candidates and 10 candidates in one group.
My GD topic “Effect of movies in Indian society”
The main elimination round of the SATYAM .My group contains 10 members. For my batch HR asked us to choose one of the two fields he suggested,1.Entertainment we choose Entertainment from which HR choose the topic and it was “Effect of movies in Indian society”. We were given two minute time to note down the points. But one member started at that time only.Discussion was very nice. The discussion went on for 10 – 15 minutes.
TIPS for GD:
1. If possible try to start first, if not no problem but try to speak not keep mum.
2. Be fixed to your attitude, it is if the opposite person argues strongly don’t leave your topic go towards others.
3. It’s a discussion don’t make it as DEBATE ,be cool. Don’t jump on others. They test your patience too when you are at heavy argument. Patience doesn’t mean silence but talk smoothly, try to convince your offenders. (Best way is say “yes” and say your way is best one)
4. Always have a smiling face that will carry you towards the success(IN HR ALSO).
5. Finally don’t forget to conclude the discussion highlighting your strong points.
6. Do a small work to know the names of GD members(when division of GD groups ….make friends of ur group members) and call them by NAMES in discussion rather than calling friend and so ….(IT HELPS U ….A LOT)
7. Don’t see the observer seating besides you.
8. Write the points which are discussed in the G.D tell all of them when Observer asks to give conclusion
9. At the starting you should wish all the members and introduce urself and explain ur points
10. Your eye contact never be diverted from your team members and especially speaking person.
11.My personal suggestion is speak louder
12.Don’t point out anyone with fingure.
11. Use these phrases as many as u can………depend on the discussion
“Friends ….Let’s us give equal opportunity to all” “I will say one point”
Take an advantage of shy person to share his views…… saying “Friend! You can also share ur views” its adds points to both of them (if he/she speaks)
If any person is telling his views without listening to others or without giving chance to others then u can stop him simply saying ** “please give chance to other people also” As our discussion went well, as result 6 members selected in my group but in some groups who created bad atmosphere… nobody were selected.
out of 470, 150 were shorlisted for HR
I’m stressing more on GD because I heard that it was one of the termination round in the recruitment..If u follow above TIPS u r sure to clear ur GD(HOPE THE BEST).
According to placement papers of satyam, I saw that GD was the main termination round and if u cleared GD u r 85% placed..But I don’t think so..b’coz on our recruitment many selected thro GD were terminated in the give equal importance to the interview also..if u r good in communication skills and in ur core subject don’t worry…..
My interview was very cool with only HR questions. Main thing they are looking for Confidence, Communication Skills. I will say my Interview exp:
Interview was on late night around 10.00 pm..i was the last one in the interview..
I am entering into the room while asking permission.
I : told good evening Mam, she too replied with same and offered seat, then I sat in the chair while saying thanks.
Int: Then she asked old question tell about yourself?
I : explained all my educational family backgrounds.
int: asked what is a trigger??
I : explained (Trigger is a set of rules used in database for executing some events like insert,update etc)
int: After that she asked Types of OS available in the market .
I : explained clearly and confidently and explained abt the latest versions of Windows and Linux.
Int: Asked….. Is this ur first Interview??
I : told her that I had attended 2 interviews.first one was HCL and I was not selected.
2nd one was a BPO and I got placed in that company.
Int: Then she asked me that if u got placed in a company then why u want to join in satyam.
I: I told her that, that company is a BPO and I want to join in a core company so that I can implement my whole ideas ,what all I studied for the last four yrs.
Int: asked abt my project.
I: Explained clearly.
Int; Then she asked me whether I had any Qns to ask??
I: asked her that what all things I have to prepare when I come to join in satyam.
Int: she told me that u need to study only the basic things wat u have studied.
Finally she told, ok Rahul have a nice day. The result was published on the same day.
they selected around 76 members.I saw my name in the list.
Now I am Satyam mate.
Ok Friends All The Best…………..
Satyam Placement Paper